About half an hour ago, I woke up extremely thirsty and proceeded to down a huge glass of water…huge enough that my stomach feels uncomfortably full. Ugghh! How long does it take water (or any liquid for that matter) to head on down and out?
walk around a bit. It’ll help.
eta: or try cooking something that requires some tending (stirring, flipping, whatever) … you’ll have to go to the bathroom about a millisecond after it’s started cooking.
Sometimes, lying on your right side will allow the liquid to pass from the stomach into the intestinal tract a little faster or easier. I don’t have any facts to back that up, but it seems to make me feel better when I have an upset stomach.
About an hour. Assessment of gastric emptying by radio-nuclide study. Supe AN, Mathur SK, Parulkar BG, Patankar SK, Samsi AB, Tilve GH J Postgrad Med
Perhaps 30 minutes to feel much better if it was only water.
You are already better.