Ways to irritate Trump supporters?

Well, it’d be nice if the things they valued were facts, now and then.

THEY already do that.

To answer the Op’s question:

Exist. Speak. React Reasonably. Respond.

Don’t do it to annoy Trump supporters. Do it because it is the right thing to do.

Nope. They are your neighbors, family members, and, perhaps, closeted friends. Kindly name -1- way in which your life was changed for the worse so far, since he was elected, other than all the self-inflicted grief and general outrage, hmm?

While I, personally, think that Trump is a sad excuse of a human being with no morals to speak of, conflicts of interest out the wazoo, and emotional maturity of a badly socialized Pomeranian, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s president elect.

All we can do at this point is hope he does something bad enough to get impeached, and work towards a more manageable bucket of political crazies in 2 years.

Irritating/demonizing Trump supporters is simply pointless. Challenging and trying to change their particular views? That I can see. Going after them just because ZOMG THEY VOTED TRUMP OH THE HUMANITY? That does not make you, or those like you, better people.

It doesn’t change the fact he was elected, but it tells us volumes about the people who voted for him.

And demonizing/irritating them gets you… what exactly? Brownie points? Good feelings about how reasonable and well-educated you are?

It is nice to think that most people on here are above petty, pointless stirring of shit, but apologies if I am wrong.

One way my life has been affected is that I’ve been profoundly disgusted by the way Trump’s fascist fan club has taken his election to mean there’s no need to pretend to be decent human beings.

It’s quite likely the lives of the victims of all these attacks have been affected somewhat adversely by Trump’s election as well.

**Ways to irritate Trump supporters?

Burn a flag.

If you voted for Trump, then you voted for racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and religious fanaticism whether you want to admit it or not. You voted against your wife, and for the white supremacists you claim to hate.

And if you thought Trump was the best option you are at best completely irrational; and probably actually a bigot who is trying to pretend otherwise.

They don’t need to be called and and ridiculed, but we shouldn’t pretend they didn’t do a terrible thing. Voting for Trump was inexcusable. Period. Especially since he is the antithesis of everything they give as a reason for doing so.

He’s not president yet, you fucking imbecile.

Jesus you people are stupid.

It seems relatively easy to piss off a Trump supporter or conservative.

For instance, just remind them (like we have to do with Starving Artist) that we don’t live in the 1950s anymore, and that them womenfolk and darkies can actually vote and make decisions now.

Learn to read a post before running your mouth, dear. I did say “president elect”. :slight_smile:

For the moment. Now that they are taking full control I expect the Republicans will “correct” that shortly.

What possible rational argument can work with someone who believes that voting for a fascist is better than voting for a typical politician?

Trump is a fascist, plain and simple. He meets the definition in every criterion. You think this is an insult? You think that someone being a fascist is a bad thing? Then why did you vote for one?

Yeah, and there is little way he can make the dimbulbs who voted for him have a worse life until he gains power.

Every single person who voted for Trump is either evil, ignorant, stupid, or an ideologically blind partisan. I think most are simply ignorant, in that they only listened with half an ear, so the misinformation campaign about Clinton worked on them.

The country is full of ignorant people. And Trumps simplistic message coupled with nonstop email coverage was an easy sell to them.

“Do not anger us or we will beat you up.”

“Do not anger us or we will shoot you.”

Yeah, I think that about covers it.

Well, yes; the Republicans have been calling for violent attacks against the people who oppose them for years. Including Trump publicly calling for the murder of Hillary Clinton. But they are Republicans, so everyone lets it slide while ranting about how intolerant and impolite the Democrats are.

Is it okay to just go out and grab 'em by the pussy yet?

May I submit that the answer to your question is that they simply don’t believe Trump is a fascist. They also don’t believe he’s a racist. And they don’t believe he’s sexist.

Hard as it may be for those on your particular side of the aisle to believe, the left is not in fact the final word on who is or isn’t racist, racist, sexist, etc., etc., etc. There’s a whole half-country out there who thinks you’ve gone way overboard and resents the hell out of the way you are so quick to hurl insults and accusations of evil (and/or stupidity) at anyone and everyone who doesn’t see things the same way you do.

They think the stupidity lies in fashioning an education system where high school graduate unable to read or write but are damn sure thoroughly steeped in liberal-think and political correctness, beginning nowadays even in elementary school. They think it lies in letting violent criminals out of jail prematurely over and over and over again to prey on a populace that ought to be protected from them. They think it lies in demanding that we unquestioningly open our borders and deliberately expose ourselves to terrorists who we already know are intent on infiltrating our country along with peaceful Muslim immigrants, and they think extra stupidity lies in being called racist for objecting to this idiotic idea.

I could go on and on. There are probably dozens of areas where conservatives think liberals are every bit as stupid as liberals think conservatives are. But none of this matters a whit. Experience has shown over and over again that you’ll continue on your (currently not so merry) way, assailing and castigating everyone who sees things differently than you do and asking/demanding/wailing over and over again why so many people in this country are various forms of “-ists”, endlessly supportive of an infinite variety of “-ism”, when the reality is that most of them by far are none of those things and the real stupidity lies in your assessment of the situation.