We don't talk about that here, thank you. House rule.

As I recall, there wasn’t much press or cops… just the closing out of the Marlo arc, and some other stuff along those lines. It was a ridiculously short season.

Send him some of this. I’m sure he’ll be appreciative.

I can see why you’d be confused. There were only two Terminator movies, but Terminator 3 was one of them. For some reason, they called the movies Terminator and Terminator 3, and didn’t make one numbered 2.

Pfft. Chronos, everyone knows they made 3 Terminator movies, and then retired the franchise.

Just like they made 2 Blade movies and then retired the franchise before some asshole could ruin it with a shitty 3rd movie.

Loopholes are made to be reopened. (I haven’t read it myself, but Colfer’s a pretty fun writer).

Well, they shouldn’t even be logically possible.

What thread are you on about? There never was a thread about things we don’t talk about, it’s that imagination thing again.

That name, brotherhood of steel reminded me of one of my weird lucent nightmare dreams where some sicko had made an RPG called Living Steel. It had a compelling backstory that made you want to play and the combat system was so realistic it actually made blood come out of players eyes and noses after it took most of a session to resolve a short combat sequence. I tried telling people about it, but no one wanted to talk about it, I just got those " duuuude you are saying scary things again" looks.

I’m very glad that no one has ever taken Ian Fleming’s excellent Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and turned it into a bloated, overdone, Disney-fied piece of crap that bears only slightest resemblance to the original book.

Of course he wrote a fifth one name Mostly Harmless. And it wasn’t that bad. but NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE wrote a sixth. That would be just wrong.

Along similar lines, Highlander 2, yeah, it’s bad. It’s real bad. But I’d give it an academy award if that would erase the existence of Highlander: The Source.

Robert Asprin stopped his Myth series with Myth-ing Persons, or thereabouts. Nope, no more adventures for Skeeve and Ahz.

1994 called, they want your mental image of Winona Ryder back.

:: checks KneadToKnow’s file ::

That’s seven. At twelve I unleash the squirrels.

I am going to send you the bill for my brain cloud treatment.

Nah, I’m pretty sure it was the actor. I’ve seen him in other movies since then and each has inspired me to wish a hockey-puck-assault on him.

Well, you know I don’t play video games. There’s a sacred story, blah blah blah.

The Long Goodbye was Raymond Chandler’s last Philip Marlowe novel.

As terrible as Austen’s Nightcrawler storyline was, I still vastly preferred his overall run to the garbage Morrison was pumping out in the other X-Men title at the time. That grotesque Beak thing and that hideous fly-girl version of Angel making monstrous babies was something like thousands of times worse than Nightcrawler finding out his pops was the Mutant Devil. Oooh Xorn’s Magneto, big fucking whoop. So glad that got retconned like 2 seconds after he left the title. And I think Cassandra Nova just might be the worst villain ever created. Prof X’s evil twin sister that he murdered in the womb oh and also she’s some psychic alien thingamabobber? What the fuck? Also, why’d he have to go and turn Beast into a cat? Did he watch a certain Disney movie one too many times?

So yeah, we don’t talk about Austen’s X-Men run in this house, lest I go on a rant about Morrison’s cocurrent run. :smiley:

I am glad that nobody ever tried casting Will Smith in movies inspired by great and groundbreaking novels within the science fiction genre. Especially my two favourite authors in the genre, Matheson and Asimov. Because I seriously wouldn’t want to live in that universe. Hell, those guys would be stupid enough to even make sequels.

And it’s unthinkable that anyone would consider turning it unto a low budget cable TV show. That would have been painful to watch.

Godfather 1 & 2 were so good that a third can’t fail.

JAWS the Return. Where it stalks the wife to another country. Somehow. But they’d never write that into a script, right? that’s just silly.

It’s really remarkable that Eric Clapton never did any recordings after Duane Allman died.