We have all read this statement many times..

**Thank you for posting, Reeder. You will now be taken to your post. If the administrator has selected to moderate all posts in this forum, you will be taken back to the forum and your post will be displayed presently.

Has any of the mods or admin ever actually taken the time to ever monitor every post made in a forum?

Not only that, but I don’t understand it as phrased. What does “moderate” mean? The posts always get displayed immediately. The moderators review the posts AFTER they’ve been displayed, and if they don’t like the post, the moderator will edit or delete it.

The whole last sentence is irrelevant, because <<< you will be taken back to the forum and your post will be displayed presently >>> regardless of whether or not <<< the administrator has selected to moderate all posts in this forum >>> .

There’s most likely an option in vB that the SDMB has chosen not to activate which allows your post to not be displayed until it has been approved by an admin or a mod. That’s what the sentence means.

Here’s the deal…there are two kinds of message boards and mailing lists out there…moderated and unmoderated. On an unmoderated board/list, like this one, whatever you post goes on the board. On a moderated board/list, what you post goes to a “holding cell”. A moderator will then read the message and either allow it to be posted or not allow it to be posted.

I’ve never seen that message. If you’re referring to the one that says “Thank you for posting, MadPoet”, then the answer is simple. The software is capable of storing all the messages but not displaying them until they have been approved by a moderator. If this is happening, it cannot take you straight to your post, so it instead returns you to the thread list. This feature is not turned on for this forum, so the second part evaluates flase and can be ignored.

That’s why it says “if,” Keeve. Posts on this board are not “moderated,” that is, reviewed beforehand. If they were, you would only be “taken back to the form.” You can tell they aren’t by the fact that you are “now taken back to your post.”

Oh, and this kind of thing belongs in ATMB, not GQ. It’s been discussed there many times.

Damn, that came out a lot pissier than I meant it to. Apologies to Keeve and everyone else.

:checks corn flakes for urine content:

But that is exactly what is not happening.

should read

Okay, I’ll go look in ATMB.

That’s the process. Got a problem with the language? Take it up with the vendor.

This thread is closed.