We Have Pumpkin Pies¡

Took hours, but I now have 2 homemade pumpkin pies on the cooling rack.

Tomorrow, God willing, some handmade whooped cream!

I need a nap now.


Whoop! Whoop! :smiley:

Nice. Sounds very yummy.

I’m going to slide this over to Cafe Society, also.


I made twelve pumpkin pies as part of the special orders our cafe got before Thanksgiving. They are the easiest to do in large numbers, because you don’t have to weigh out filling into the crust. Just make enough filling in the big bowl and start pouring!:stuck_out_tongue:

Hope they’re not cooling on the sill. Since becoming a hobo I bet those pies would be mighty tasty.

I use the basic Libby recipe, heavily modifed.

An Gardia, want some pie? Anytime buddy.

The windowsill is about 40 degrees and raining by the way. :slight_smile: