We Never Close: A Message To Those Of You, (Us) Who Have Probs With The Holidays

Well, hardly ever, I do need at least 4 hours of the 24 to sleep!

(Come to think of it, that may be why I spend so much time in REM!!!)

Anyway, wanna talk?

Add me to a chat channel, or post here, whatever.

We’re entering the “doldrums” of the year for many of us, and I’d like to help, if I could, please?

Always Open. For all of you.

How about it?



I miss home. So much. My husband is wonderful and his family is warm and friendly, but from October (Canadian Thanksgiving) through New Years, I get really depressed and homesick. I haven’t had a truly Happy Holiday since coming out here.

Thanks for listening, Quasi.

I’m right here with you, Antigen!

I too miss my hometown of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, and wish so much my Dondra and I could have visited there for the holidays, but due to short funds and her health, it couldn’t be this year.

So here we are, my friend. I hope that my missing my hometown (so far away), and the substitution of being here with each you and all of us will help.



I love my husband. I love my life with him. I don’t really have a home to miss, but I miss something. I miss my son, Michael. He’s been gone for nearly 12 years, but Christmas is still hard for me.
I haven’t put up a tree since he died. Hubby wanted one this year, but then he had to go out of town until the 22nd. I see a psychiatrist for my ADD. He told me to put up a tree and “act as if.”

We’re going to visit hubby’s parents on Christmas eve. They want to have a big day with all the boys and wives, since this is probably their last year. That hurts too. They are both ill. Pop’s doctor doesn’t expect him to last much longer, and I suspect mom will follow quickly. It brings tears to my eyes, just to type this.
Gotta go. :frowning:

Please don’t go, picunurse, (and yes, I know you)!

I miss my Mom and Dad so very much, and honey, our tree gets smaller every year. Right now, it sits atop of one of those things not called a “coffee table”, okay?

You are a NURSE! :wink:

I am sorry, but others are counting on you to be their strength, so you need to step up, sweet one and battle this.

You will be rewarded.

I promise.

Thinking of you always,
