Weapons inside the terrorists?

Is there any way (other than a cavity search) to detect non-metal weapons, explosives, etc hidden in someone’s rectal cavity or vagina? Under current airport security measures would it be possible for a terrorist to smuggle contraband onto an airplane in this manner?


Getting reamed is gonna be SOP once a terrorist thinks of it for the first time.

Thanks for mentioning this on the World Wide Web, & giving the concept Global exposure.

Hm. Could be kind of fun.


Heck, you can go one better and surgically implant a bomb or whatever.

At a certain point people are going to have to just deal with a certain element of risk. If someone wants to take down a big jet badly enough they’ll find a way.

From the far too much info files, prisoners use those particular cavities like pockets. Female prisoners from around this neck of the woods refer to their, um, ladyparts as “the bank”. They become very adept at secreting little bags of drugs or whatever - can pop a weight or two of smack in there in a second. For a while, it was very popular for male prisoners to get a T-bone (from the steak), sharpen the long arm of the T to a point by filing it on concrete, and then use it as a “shiv” (a homemade stabbing weapon), holding it with the fingers wrapped around the short arm in a fist and the spike protruding from between the third and fourth fingers. And for a pouch when they didn’t want to be seen carrying it? You guessed it. Required extreme care to place, but could be whipped out quickly for use in a fight. This particular problem solved by not serving meat with the bone still in place any more. They moved on to sharpening the handles of toothbrushes and doing the same. Got around that by giving them only the heads of the brushes, to be held in thumb and forefinger.

So alph, don’t feel bad. You haven’t thought of something new hear. The bottom end of the food chain has been onto this for a long time.

They have sniffer dogs, and sniffer machines.

Since fertilizer is itself a possible bomb component, I wonder how many false positives would ensue.

“Maam, that dog sniffing at your crotch is ON DUTY! AND, I, er, am in training.”