Weather on websites

Today, Yahoo Weather lists the high in my city as being 29 degrees, and the low as 22 degrees. The stupid thing about this is that it’s 12 degrees right now, and Yahoo posts that right next to their forecast that says it’s not going to get nearly that cold today.

My question is, how/why does this happen? You’d think if the temp drops below the lowest expected for the day, they’d adjust the low for the day to match (and the same for the high temp, I guess). Any ideas?

That’s their forecasted numbers…and even if wrong, it doesn’t change the fact that they forecasted something different.

Forecasters of >insert anything< are sometimes discouraged from yanking the forecast when the ‘actuals’ wind up being different. People who depend on forecasts of all kinds feel this is tinkering with the accuracy.

It could be call volume, temperatures, stock prices, etc. It is considered deceptive to yank the forecast and revise it to reflect the actuals.

Even in Japan among my fellow photography hobbyists, the “Yahoo! Japan Weather Page” has a bad reputation for being frequently inaccurate.

Someone around here once claimed that when you see “High 29, Low 22” that it means “Highest temperature today will be 29, Lowest temperature tonight/tomorrow morning will be 22”, so the 22 is referring to tomorrow morning, not the morning you are experiencing right now. Your current 12 would have been yesterday’s low forecast.

Not sure if that is correct or not, but that is one way of looking at it I suppose.