Wedding Dance - Dad & Daughter - need suggestions fast!

Please. Baby Got Back is clearly the way to go here.

After some of the facetious answers I was going to recommend that one. My baby sister (who is in her early 30s) was dancing to this at our folks house one night and it was hysterical. With her sense of humor I’m somewhat surprised she didn’t pick this when she got married last year.

Sappy story about father-daughter dances: When my daughter was just a bit shy of two years old we went to a friends wedding. During the father-daughter dance she must have felt the emotion in the room because she looked at me from a bit away where she was playing with some other children, then crossed over to me just to give me a big hug and a kiss. I almost lost it, projecting her years into the future. I am sure I will need a lot of tissues when this day comes. Even if she picks a song from 2LiveCrew.

My dad would have enjoyed that immensely, actually. He’s kind of really awesome that way.

Stevie Wonder wrote Isn’t She Lovely about his daughter. I think it would be perfect.

Hey, she could become Ultra-Orthodox, in which case she’d have to pick a song from Two Live Jews


We sang that this year in my (Jewish) school production, ostensibly about our mothers, but I’m pretty sure it’s really about Jesus.