Wee Little Winkles

Hell no. I have to wash my hands often enough as it is, I don’t need more reasons.

O p a l C a t

I was telling a friend about this thread today. She had just heard a story from a friend of hers.

Their little boy calls his penis his “tail”. One day, he told his parents that before he takes a nap every day, he “likes to play with his tail a little bit before falling asleep”.

Seems to me you could substitute ANY male, regardless of age, into that story.


I thought that was called a DA…aka a Dick Adjustment…something a guy told me in junior high school…gawd to think I was that stupid, he was just getting a “quickie” when talking to us girls!!!

opinion - a belief held often without positive knowledge or proof.

oppress - to burden harshly, unjustly, or tyrannically.

don’t oppress my ability to have an opinion

Why, Why, WHY do we play with them?

Because we don’t have breasts.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Playing with your own is not as fun as playing with someone elses. :slight_smile: {wiggle, wiggle, wiggle}


Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter

Louie, did you paint a face on it? :wink:

I asked a Pediatrican once. He said just ignore it. Otherwise the kid learns it gets attention from you and then they keep doing it for a long time. Which says plenty.

I have breasts…

I am me… accept it or not.

This thread reminds me of one of the more poignant anecdotes I have ever read on a bathroom wall.

Right over the urinal:

“You’ve got the whole world in your hands”

Yer pal,

My son is the same way, Opal. He’s 18 months old and body parts are the in thing with him, he’ll point to one and spousy or I will tell him what it is. The old John Thomas gets more than its share of the spot light in this game. He’ll also go index finger/penis tip to tip and push it as far back as he can until it disappears resulting in many giggles. When he yanks away on it like he’s ringing in the new year, spousy just cringes and retreats whimpering.

Yankee! You stole my son!!! That is exactly how he is…

O p a l C a t

nodding sagely Yup, they’re pretty much all on the same page at this age…that age…any age…

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.

This reminds me of a joke:

Why does the penis have a hole in it?

So the brain gets air.

::Thank you…you’ve been a great audience:::

Yankee Blue:

So your son is a Yankee too, eh? :smiley:

Yer pal,

Yesterday I was pulling my little boys pants up, he is almost four and refuses to pull them up himself. He will walk around with them around his ankles until I do it for him. Anyway, after I pulled them up he says, “Mom, you didn’t put “it” on the right side.” He then puts his hand down his pants and starts arranging it the correct way!

Is this something all guys do? Do you guys have a favorite side that you keep you penis on?

reads Satan’s post, bangs head on table
As someone who has been surrounded by men and boys my whole life (to the point of being a lone female more often than not) I’ve noticed most of them have a preference - ‘dress right’ or ‘dress left’ - as it’s known in the tailor trade, or tucking the little bugger down one side or the other.
Am I right fellas?

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.

Yes, men dress left or right. I dress right. It is something that just feels correct. I relate it to parting your hair. If you part it on the opposite side (or either side if you normally part in the middle) it just feels wrong.


Gasoline: As an accompaniement to cereal it made a refreshing change. Glen Baxter