Weekly Comic Book Discussion 8/13/2009

Here it is! Just as a footnote, for a complete list of what I’ve bought on any given week, you can now check out my nerd-blog.

I really enjoyed my haul this week, especially Blackest Night and Incredible Herc.

I can’t believe they dug up the Adamantite Mace. Woo! Or that it was in Jersey.

Missed last week, and thus ended up with a ridiculous amount of stuff to read this week.

World of Krypton, Action Comics, Superman Secret Files: I’m actually enjoying WoK, but about ready to snooze right through Action. The Captain Atom backup feature left me absolutely cold and uninterested (what is up with DC’s backup features? they’re breeding or something.) Secret Files was also yawnworthy, and if necessary as a recap makes me think they’ve structured their crossover all wrong. Again.

Adventure Comics: Mildly interested in Connor, but happy with the backup feature. Just wish it were the other way 'round. Interesting that RJ didn’t let Brainy in on his will.

REBELS: Rather lackluster; seems to have stalled on plot again.

Booster Gold: Another where the backup was more interesting. BG could almost be as much fun as the original run on Marvel’s Exiles was, but it is missing the comraderie that the original Exiles team had – they need Ted or Michael’s sister back, or something. Booster and Skeets are good, but Rip is too much of a foil to serve as a peer to Michael.

JSA vs. Kobra: Comic Store Guy raved about this one, but while I found it okay for a JSA-fix, nothing new or original here.

Blackest Night, GL Corps, Blackest Night: Batman: Now, this is how a crossover should go! Even though some of the stuff was predictable, it is limited enough that there’s no need for a recap, and the events in one book expand upon – but are not required for – events in the main book. Particularly liked

[spoiler]- Deadman in BN:Bat expanding upon the brief bit in BN itself. Also that Dick’s and Damien’s characterization is consistent between BN:Bat and their own book.

  • Don Hall in BN. heh. And the Specter cranking up the eek! factor.
  • Guy being filled with Rage, while Killowog and Kyle with Will, in GL Corps.[/spoiler]
    And I think GL Corps has the kind of comraderie that Booster needs more of.

I actually really enjoyed R.E.B.E.L.S. this week. Solid stuff.

But Incredible Herc and Blackest Night were easily the best.