Weird dream about Rickles on Carson's "Tonight"

I dreamed last night that Don Rickles was a guest on Johnny Carson’s “Tonight” show. Johnny was standing up talking as though he were doing his monologue, and Rickles was off-camera, sitting in a guest seat–and just a-runnin’ his mouth. Several times he even said the “F-word,” and Carson didn’t seem to know that it was an obscenity. Then I wondered “Waitaminnit–this stuff is taped. How’d they let that one slip.”

That’s all.

That must have been the same night Johnny asked Zsa-Zsa to move her damn cat.

Or perhaps the night Arnold Palmer’s wife told Johnny that she “kissed Arnie’s ball before a big tournament”.

Are you at all worried that you’re having dreams aobut Carson, what, 6 or 7 years after he retired?

<< I dreamed last night that Don Rickles was a guest on Johnny Carson’s “Tonight” show. Johnny was standing up talking as though he were doing his monologue, and Rickles was off-camera, sitting in a guest seat–and just a-runnin’ his mouth. Several times he even said the “F-word,” and Carson didn’t seem to know that it was an obscenity. Then I wondered “Waitaminnit–this stuff is taped. How’d they let that one slip.” That’s all.>>
Well, there was a Don Rickles appearance on Johnny Carson’s “Tonight Show” many years ago that was not a dream. I saw it, and I’ll never forget it, because it led to a lifelong hatred of Rickles on my part.

On this particular evening, Frank Sinatra was Johnny’s guest. Understand that I’m not a particularly big Sinatra fan; however, I certainly respect him and what he’s meant to popular music. I don’t recall that Sinatra made a habit of guest appearances on talk shows, so his appearance was somewhat of an event.

Sinatra was in a relaxed frame of mind and related some anecdotes, and dispite my overall indifference to him, I found it to be an enjoyable few moments. Few indeed, because suddenly out of nowhere, Rickles (who was not a scheduled guest on that night’s show) walks out from backstage and proceeds to completely take things over with his schtick. The entire balance of the program was devoted to this, with Sinatra never once heard from again (other than occasionally laughing good-naturedly at Rickles’ antics).

I thought then – and I think now – “Who the hell is Don Rickles to imagine that he is more important than Sinatra?” I don’t give a damn if he imagines he’s Frank’s buddy or not, this was just a total waste. I haven’t been able to stand the sight of the son-of-a-bitch from that moment to this.

I never thought Rickles was all that funny myself.

…hmmmm, not unlike every appearance by Robin Williams on a talk show. If you book Robin Williams he better be the last guest, or the ONLY guest, because anyone that follows him is going to be inturrupted a million times.