Weird feeling in joint of finger

So, I’ve got this finger, right? (Well, I’ve got ten of them, if you count thumbs as fingers) Anyhow, the middle finger on my right hand, it’s been giving me this weird feeling around the knuckle where it doesn’t feel… quite right. Reminds me of the feeling I had in my pinky after it started mending from when I broke it. Kind of like the joint isn’t going together quite how it should. It doesn’t hurt, and it doesn’t seem to affect anything I’m able to do with it, it just feels weird. Any idea what could be causing this?

Not really looking for medical advice (being in the military, the taxpayers pay for my healthcare, so I can always go bug them later), and this issue isn’t really bothering me enough to make a trip to Medical worth my time or theirs (plus, it’s the Air Force medical guys, for something like this, I’ll get a prescription for a bottle of Motrin, and told to drink more water).

Rest, ice and advil/anti-inflammatory. Break or not, it’s the inflammation (from a sprain, break, etc) that will cause ‘similar’ pains to other injuries you’ve had.

Rest = tape it or splint it.

I think the answer you seek is about how inflammation is causing pain similar to other injuries.

So… you’re saying that the Air Force’s traditional medical response of “Motrin and a bottle of water” would probably be the most appropriate one. That amuses me more than you’ll ever know. :smiley:

Eh yeah, I’ll take an advil and see if the feeling goes away. I’m wondering if it might also be due to my posture while I use the computer (you know the rule about how you should never rest your wrists on the edge of the desk? I’ve never been good at that one.)

Since this is a question about a specific personal medical issue, it’s better off in IMHO rather than General Questions. Moved.

samclem Moderator

I hope you’re not getting arthritis - that’s the first joint that caused me trouble. Now it’s in other fingers.