I know what you mean! I can do that too. And I also haven’t got a clue as to what the sound is.
You just sort of focus, and BAM! A thunder in your ears. It feels like you’re flexing something, because it is NOT involuntary. But then what the hell are we flexing? I don’t feel anything, just hear the roar.
I’m not sure if it’s the same thing, but I think it is. It kind of feels like more air rushing into your ears. That’s how mine feel anyway. Assuming it’s the same thing, I have no idea what it is.
Well I’ll be damned… I can do this too! I never knew what a talented guy I was. Mind you I feel dizzy as hell now and my heads spinning. It feels to me definitely like a vibrating sensation in my inner ear… sounds more like a superquick wobbling sound to me than a dull roar. I guess if your eardrum (or whatever it is) vibrated rapidly enough it’d sound much like white noise.
I can do it for quite a while in one sitting. It does get a little harder to maintain after about 5-10 seconds though. It doesn’t feel anything like air rushing through my ears. It sounds kind of like a drum roll and thunder mixed together.
I tried to explain it to my sisters once and they just thought I was a freak. Oh well.
I can do it too, but I’m not sure what it is. Two theories:
Tensing internal muscles, as SqrlCub mentioned.
Since, I believe, the throat is connected in some round about way with the ear canals, it could be that we’re kind of forcing air into the ear canal, and we’re hearing the air pressure fluctuating the ear drum. It doesn’t feel like air rushing through you ears, as SqrlCub mentioned, but it might not be enough air to feel, just enough to affect the ear drum.
When I do it there is definately no air moving through my ears. I can do it while inhaling, exhaling, holding a full lungs worth of breath, or none at all.
I can also do the air over the microphone thing. If you hold your nose and do it you can blow air out of your ears and eyes. It will dry your eyes and before you do it don’t eat anything spicy.
“I can do it while inhaling, exhaling, holding a full lungs worth of breath, or none at all.”
I can too, but I just noticed something. When I put my fingers on my adam’s apple (had for the women here) I can feel it move when I do it. I have to say do IT, because I don’t know what IT is. Anybody else experience this?
i’ve been doing this since i was a wee tyke. i usually need to be in a quiet room though.
it starts off quiet, like a hiss of white noise, and slowly builds, until i realize that it’s really fing loud. sometimes it stops then. other times it keeps going. it tends to last a long time (not the measly few seconds some have mentioned).
i always assumed that it was just me focusing on the sound of my ears. like it’s background noise that’s always there, but never really noticed. when i do notice it, i hear different qualities to the noise. the louder it gets, the deeper the noise tends to be.
anothe rtheory i’ve tossed around is that it’s feedback. yup, that maybe the sound i’m hearing is a combination of ear noise (blood, wind, tinnitus from listening to music too loud) and brain noise (aka cortical static) so the more i pay attention to it, the louder it gets.
but honestly, i have no clue. just something i’ve done that made me feel like a weirdo
What you are doing is flexing the back of your tongue to close your throat below your nasal passages. That’s why your adam’s apple moves. Try to breathe while you do the ‘roar’ thing, you can’t. You’ve closed off your nose.
The pressure from your tongue opens up your eustachain tubes. The ‘roar’ is the air pressure equalizing inside and out of the tubes. If you have a strong tongue, or good muscle control, you can flex your tongue even harder to increase the pressure more, and you’ll feel a smaller roar, again.
Next time you’re on an airplane or swimming, and you have air pressure pains, ‘roar’. It will equalize the pressure and get rid of the pain, no chewing or yawning needed.