Weird ticks! Help!

I thought about putting in a warning that this will get disgusting but I think the title guarantees that.

I was sitting with my cat just now when I noticed what appeared to be a very tiny tick under his lower lip. It was black and shiny, and apparently already engourged even though it was very small. Upon further investigation I found 4 (!) more similar, all in the short hairs in his whiskers and around his eyes (and nowhere else).

I’ve removed a lot of ticks in my time and I’ve never seen anything like this. Not so tiny, not gererally on the face, and given that ticks are solitary creatures, not several apparently aquired all at the same time.

That and I was surprised to see them at all, since he’s up to date with his flea and tick treatment and he’s never had a problem before that I know of.

I can’t find anything online that looks like them. Anyone have any ideas? How worried should I be?

Thanks (Charlie the Cat says thanks too.)

Could they be tick nymphs? These are very small and would tend to congregate around the eyes, ears, and lips because of the easy access to blood through the softer tissue. There should be a lot of them at this time of year, depending on where you live. You can find them grouped together in shaded areas, ready to pounce on anything warm that brushes by. After feeding, they drop off to molt into the adult form. They have probably been on your cat before but were easily missed.

I can’t tell from the picture but that sounds very likely. Thank you, I’m reassured. Well, reassured that they’re not some Evil Mutant Space Ticks, not so reasured about my flea and tick treatment. :mad:

Is there anyway to check for them before they get “big”?