Weird Vista problem - disappearing folders.

I’m currently experiencing a strange Vista problem. I have a folder contained within the root directory of a HTML editor, called “Projects”. From my HTML editor “Save” box, the folder is perfectly visible. I can save HTML files fine.

However, when I come to view the folder in Windows Explorer (or whatever it is called now), the folder is sometimes not visible! Even worse, manually typing the folder’s path into the address box at the top gives an error, stating that the folder does not exist - this just seconds after I accessed it from within the HTML editor.

Now, I have turned on “view hidden files and folders”, and still nothing. I also thought it was a permissions problem, but checking them, they seem to be OK (why shouldn’t they be anyway - I’m logged into the same account as the one that I used to create the folder!). What’s strange is that sometimes the folder is visible from outwith the HTML editor.

Has this happened to anybody else? Does anybody know what the problem may be?

I’ve had weird things happening with a failing hard drive. That’s about the only explanation I can think of offhand, but I’m not sure it fits the symptoms.

There doesn’t happen to be a file called “projects” in the same directory, does there? Windows can be inconsistent about whether file names are case insensitive or not.

Yeah, I don’t think it’s a failing hard drive, my laptop is only a few weeks old. And no, no other “projects” folder in there, too.

Thanks, anyway.

This won’t be of much help unfortunately, but I have been noticing the same phenomenon. It appears to be some weird Vista thing.

I have noticed folders not being “visible” to “explorer” (or whatever they call it), and also files within folders not being “visible”.
If I open up a command prompt (DOS-like window), I can not “dir” to see the directory/folder or the missing files (nor can you “cd” to it).

BUT if I open up an application, and do a “file open”, I can see both 1) the “invisible” directories and 2) the “invisible” files. And I can access the files.

I have tried playing with permissions and viewing “hidden” or “system” files, but to no avail.

I have not experimented much, but I noticed this phenomenon occurred on a directory that I created using the same “explorer” tool. I had to give permission several times (even though I am an admin.) to finally get the directory created. And then I started to use it (via other applications).

However, I have also created several directories on another drive that 1) did not go through the same “approval” process, and 2) don’t exhibit the problem. So my initial thoughts have to do with how the directory was created.

What I have done is use other applications to perform “copies” of the invisible directory’s contents to an “okay” directory as a workaround.

I have been downloading Windows updates regularly, but have not seen this problem addressed. It is bizarre, though.

Thanks for opening up this thread. I will be checking it to see if someone has a solution (other than “nuke Vista” :wink:

New drives do sometimes fail.
I see it at work every week.
I suggest running your OEM drive testing tools.
Run any drive maintenance tools your system has available.

I don’t have a solution, I’m just adding in that I have encountered the same problem, also with a new machine. Mine’s only about 6 weeks old so a failing hard drive seems unlikely here too. (Though it could be, of course.) I had the exact same symptoms; the folder and its contents were visible from within the program but not from outside. Oddly, I deleted the next-higher-level folder (which appeared to be empty from within Explorer) and it told me it was deleting a few hundred files and a few hundred megs. (Which was correct based on what should have been there.)

Did you create your Projects folder from Explorer or within the HTML Editor? I think that was related to the problem in my case; I think when I created the folder tree inside my program something didn’t get set correctly and that caused the problem. After deleting everything I manually created the directory tree then reran the program and everything seemed to work correctly after that.

Still, I’m finding Vista quirky enough that I’m thinking of downgrading to XP, assuming that I won’t suddenly have unsupported hardware if I do.

Within the HTML editor.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who has experienced this. I thought I was going mad.

You may want to try the SP1 beta available on Windows Update.


Careful with that. It’s not always a great idea to start applying beta software on already-problematic systems.

Hi. I’d agree with the suggestions to run some system checks first.

However, I’ve noticed a “feature” which might explain what you are seeing. Vista seems to include logic that look at folder names or structures, guesses what they are for and treats them differently.

For example, I’ve got a folder called Downloads and Vista has decided this contains music or pictures and gives me the appropriate menu. I can reset this but it comes back. Perhaps the folder structure you have might be triggering some user-friendly view. Is the folder in an unusual place for user data e.g. inside \Program Files? If so, try recreating the structure inside Documents and see what happens.

I’ve briefly searched on Technet and not found anything describing this but I haven’t looked too hard.
