So, I got this new interesnt connection at work - fibre, 10Mbit sychronous. It’s awesomely fast and fantastic.
However, when I go to upload a file in FTP Voyager, or a host of other FTP apps, the max upload speed is 47.x kb/second. I can set about 20 files to uplaod at the same time, so I am using most of my available 10Mbit pipe… but no one file will go above 47.x (x can be 1 thru 9, but it never goes above or below 47).
I try the same thing in commandline FTP, and I get 273kb/second (about the same I get for downloading - that’d be a limit of some other node on the network (it’s around 25 hops, so not surprising).
But what is it about windows GUI FTP apps that limits the upload channel?