Weirdest freakin' music video...

Thanks! I’ve been trying to figure that out for a while, so I could find that song . . . in Tower Records, yeah, that’s the ticket. And now, I sure am sleepy. Well, off I go to the welcoming arms of . . . um, er, what was the Greek god of dreams again?

Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie. He’s a carnival barker with some dead girl that he lets out to walk around and generally freak out the paying customers. Then somehow he ends up getting chased out of town. Wierd, but I like it, especially since I’ve seen The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, the silent movie it was based on.

The face in the bean pot was indeed ‘Mexican Radio’. The band that did it was Wall of Voodoo. The weirdest/stupidest I ever saw was ‘Fish Heads’. Can’t remember the name of the group, though…it had Billy Mumy in it (Will Robinson from Lost in Space).

      "Fish heads, fish heads
       rolly-polly fish heads..."

Barnes & Barnes


I like Tool. I can’t stand their videos. They’re all so…creepy and gruesome. But Tom Petty?? You don’t like his videos? They’re down-right wholesome compared to Tool’s.

I really, really liked this ZZ Top video, and it got almost NO airplay. The disembodied “parts” walking around, carrying tools, washing the car, etc. were like a waking wet dream to me.

Guess maybe I shoulda cut down on the acid at some time.


How about Renaldo and the Loaf’s “Songs for Swinging Larvae”?

Or anything else off of the Residents’s “Icky Flix” compliation. Many of them made well before MTV. Not that any of them get played there now.

Hurdy Gurdy Man by The Butthole Surfers, as well as being one of the most fantastic covers of the ‘let’s do a weird version of a seeingly square sixties song’ genre, is an incredible clip. Damned if I even know anything that’s in it - it’s just a total mindmelter.

I saw a video a year or two ago that really intrigued me. It showed a homeless hobo guy walking through a busy tunnel with cars whizzing past him on either side. And at the end, he is standing straight in the path of one of the cars, and it smashes into him. He stands straight as a pole and is unharmed while the car crumples like tin foil around him.

For the life of me, I can’t remember what in the world it was called. But it had a cool tune that went with it.

I think i saw it on MTV2.

That would be “Rabbit in Your Headlights” by U.N.K.L.E. featuring Thom Yorke.

The guy in the video? The one that was taking the fish head everyplace? Actor Bill Paxton.

<QUOTE>The freakiest video I’ve seen in a long time is for a song I don’t even know the name of–it was on one of those MTV “worst videos” compilation.

It featured the singer on a small stage in the middle of a room full of various dancing people. As he sang, he took off his clothes. Then he took off his skin. Then he started peeling off his muscles and flinging them into the crowd. About the time he started tossing organs I started thinking about changing the channel. All of this was way too realistic for its own good.

Anybody know which one I’m talking about? Morbid curiosity, I guess.</QUOTE>

That’s Robbie William’s “Rock DJ”. Its actually a good song but Robbie has some wierd ideas for his videos. You may remember him doing a song called “Millenium” and looking like a early James Bond (uncanny)

Oh and in case you want to see it
Robbie is actually pretty funny in his self depreciating fashion