I would say a guy who is attending the same college as me takes the cake.
We’ll call this guy D.
D is very, very intellegent when it comes to everything about Japan: it’s history, culture, economics, anything. He’ll rattle off dates by heart as if it’s common knowledge. He’ll often hold a person hostage with his conversations on gothic lolita or the most recent company that got caught using expired ingredients. As soon as you say “Wow, that’s interesting, but I gotta g-”, he takes that as “Wow, that’s interesting, please talk to me for another half an hour about it because I have nowhere else that could possibly be more interesting than here.”
My friends and I believe that he must have some disorder running along Asberger’s, because he cannot hold a conversation. When he does hold a conversation, it’s only to one person, hunting down a person and holding them to his mercy- it reminds me of a lion taking down a zebra from it’s pack. His conversations are usually only about topics that are interesting to him, because he doesn’t know how to talk socially or shoot the breeze. He doesn’t know when to end conversations. His constant staring is creepy. The fact that he’s made me his main person to latch onto doesn’t make it any better. 
The fact that he’s extremely tall and gangly, wears sweatpants everyday, and is balding at a young age but is growing the rest of his hair long doesn’t exactly help his weirdness. He refuses to hang out with guys.
Well, truth be told, he knows everything about Japan *except * the language. I have no clue how he got into my class. He will not talk in Japanese, even to the teachers, unless he is forced. Weird thing is, this guy wants to live in Japan and write books in Japanese!
This guy would make a great college professor, just because of the sheer amount of knowledge he already contains. I feel sorry for him, but part of me doesn’t want him in my class this coming semester because of the creepy stalker/latching on thing he always does.
Never really met a person weird as him. I would go into more detail but I think it would turn into a rant.