Welcome to Hate Week

I could believe that George is clueless enough to not be aware of the timing. Hell, I’d believe it if he doesn’t even know who Matthew Shepard is. But I find it strains belief to claim that the people who proposed this didn’t.

What I wrote to my State Senators:

"I am shocked and disgusted with our president’s proclaimation of “Marriage Protection Week” (As seen here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/10/20031003-12.html).

When will he - and the Republican party - realize that Marriage doesn’t need protection? The population at large shares this view. Why should we not follow Canada’s lead and allow marriages to gay couples? Why does it matter so much to Mr. Bush? Does he not realize that he is practising discrimination against at least 10% of the population, based solely on what they do in their bedrooms? I ask you, what business is it of his? It echoes as loudly as racism, to my ears. What will be next - the re-introduction of anti-miscegenation laws?

In the President’s proclaimation, it states "We must support the institution of marriage and help parents build stronger families. And we must continue our work to create a compassionate, welcoming society, where all people are treated with dignity and respect. " How is it that he, with his Harvard education, doesn’t see that this is the opposite?

I wanted to register my disgust. America is the leader of the free world, but it seems to be run by bigoted good old boys."

So. You all should write your senators, unless you like this Proclaimation from on high. If you agree with it, do me a favour and don’t tell me. You’ll be moved from the ‘good’ column to the “people who call gays ‘degenerates’” column.

Gosh, in the states we just call it “National Coming Out Day.” We sometimes do some fucking on that day but it’s not part of the name.

We also observe it on October 11. Is there a different date in Canada?

Isn’t there always? Isn’t Thanksgiving in Canada on, like, April 16th or something? :slight_smile:

What I meant was the administration isn’t clueless enough to see how politically bad it would be. I’m hoping they were clueless enough to not be aware of the timing; the alternative it kinda scary.

Well, to be fair, no one here even remembered until Orbifold brought it up. And I’m not sure that those who do notice will put up enough of a fuss for most of the nation to hear about it enough to care. I hope I’m wrong, but that’s the way things feel right now.

I just feel sick to my stomach.