Well I never! Rules for living...

  1. Never lose count

*3. Hi Opal!

*Delayed Entry

  1. Never operate ANY cooking appliance while drunk. The burn on my arm from last wednesday says so!

  2. Never say anthing to anyone about anyone else. (My #1 rule! Learned it the hard way!)

  1. Never do anything while drunk which is preceded by the words, “Hey, watch this!”
  1. Never let Tir go without food at a DopeFest - she’ll bite your neck. :wink:

  2. Never travel back to Birmingham from London on the train after having been drinking, without lots and lots of water.

46: Never teach your kids how to use the computer.

  1. Never wonder how the DVD player works. Don’t unscrew it, just leave it alone. Yes, even if it’s working.
  1. Never butter bread BEFORE you toast it.
  1. Never go see a film just because Sean Connery’s in it.

  2. Never rub your eyes whilst slicing onions or chili peppers.

  1. Never question the sanity of your computer manager.
  1. Never fry bacon and/or eggs in the nude.

53 If you foolishly choose to ignore rule 52, never turn the eggs over by flipping them in the air pancake-style. (This was learned the hard way).

  1. Never believe that the cute bar hostess is really interested in you when drinking in a place that charges by the hour and encourages you to buy drinks for the hostesses. (although I know some who’ve had different experiences than I’ve had)

  2. Never take your doctor’s word for it when he says nothing’s wrong, if his initial comment was “wow! I’ve never seen one like that before!”

I speak from personal experience on both of these.

  1. Never forget rule 1.

(Its a Pratchett reference. Virtual cookies for whoever gets it.)

  1. Never dance with the devil in the pale moonlight.

Thief of Time. Hee hee.

  1. Never perm your own hair.

  2. Never walk on a soggy lawn in high heels.

(And if you recognize that reference, just keep it to yourself, 'kay?)

  1. Never take all the advice in a rules for living thread. [sub]Go on, live a little . . . . [/sub]
  1. Never drop your mobile phone into a hot steaming mug of tea.
  1. Never not preview :smack:

62. Never spit into the wind.

  1. Never drink your tea with the spoon still in the mug.

64. Never look at yourself in the mirror after your 7th pint.