Bear with me - it’ll be funnier if I give you some background first:
Long ago, at work I used Macintosh computers with ‘Claris Works’ as the word processor.
Then we changed to Windows, but ‘Claris Works’ still ran.
Then everyone else changed to ‘Word’, but I didn’t.
So I’ve got my files stored at home when the computer crashes. :eek:
No problem - I have backed it all up.
But the backup computer only has ‘Word’, not ‘Claris Works’ for Windows.
Fortunately helpful Dopers guide me to using ‘Word’ to open the files using ‘Recover Files’ format.
Excellent - only a couple of minor changes using Find/Replace and I’m back in business.
Now I’ve got the ‘Show Formatting’ option on, so there are dots indicating spaces. But one dot is in the wrong place. So I try to delete it, but it won’t go! :smack:
The space that wouldn’t die!
Can it be a complication based on the history above?
Which program put a space there?
I can’t even select it!
Finally I lean forward in exasperation …
and blow a circular speck of dirt off my monitor. :o
I love it! I have to wonder how many of us have had similar experiences, trying like mad to move or delete an anomaly in our work, only to discover it was on the screen glass!
I’ve done that same thing - more than once. Part of my job involves updating drawings in AutoCAD from and older format to the current one. When importing these files, they can get messy. Solid objects sometimes get broken down into lots of little objects - for instance, something that was a circle might get changed to 1,000 straight line segments.
So, updating these drawings involves alot of deleting extra stuff to clean them up. It’s happened at least three times to me.
Highlight dot - delete. Dot is still there.
Highlight dot - delete. Dot is still there.
Highlight dot - delete. Dot is still there.
Highlight dot - delete. Dot is still there.
On another message-board, I have an avatar that looks like a bug crawling around. I’ve had other members curse me for making them try to swat the bug on their monitor. :smack: