Well, Mrs. Blue Sky, this has bad idea written all over it

My brother-in-law, a moderately decent person, wants to buy a car. So far, that’s not a big deal. He wants, however, to register the car in my wife’s name. He would pay for the insurance and tag fees. His reason? So that his creditors can’t find him.

I told her this would be an incredibly BAD IDEA!. I do not want to be a party to his scamming of anyone. I’m sure there can be some legal ramifications that could cause us no end of nightmares for in the future.

I think I have her convinced to not do this.


I agree with you.

For starters, if the car and the insurance are in her name, even if he reimburses her for both, if he is driving and gets into an accident that is his fault, HER insurance rates will go up, unless things are a whole lot different there than they are up here. Does he have a driver’s license? Will he be listed as the principal driver on the insurance? If not, then if/when the insurance company finds out, both he and your wife would be guilty of insurance fraud. Again, here in NJ the penalties for that can be pretty stiff, don’t know about GA.

The insurance would be in his name, but the tag and title would be in my wife’s name. Legally, it would be her car and he would just be driving and insuring it. He has a driver’s license. The car is over 15 years old and doesn’t need a title in Georgia (unless THAT law has changed in the last few years), but he has one nonetheless.

There would no way in hell I’d add him to our insurance. It’s high enough with our daughter on the policy (under 21 with full coverage on her car).
If he were to be in an accident (and that’s very likely), my wife could likely be sued.

This ain’t gonna happen.

Absolutely not. Your brother-in-law needs to learn to be responsible for himself. You are doing him no favor, and certainly endangering yourself and your wife, if you agree to his proposal.

I expect he’ll pout when you tell him no. Let him.

FTR, he’s 37. Chronologically. Mentally & emotionally, about 18.

If you’re brother-in-law’s first name is Danny, DON’T DO THIS. This is so scary, I think we’re related. That sounds just like my cousin from your neck of the woods.

If his name IS Danny, tell your mamma-in-law Hi for me!

For the love of God no.


What does Mrs. Blue Sky say?

I have convinced her not to do this.

SHE gets to tell her brother.

Good for you. I agree that it sounds like your BIL needs to get a set and grow up. By the time you reach 37 years old, you should have at least a tiny bit of common sense.

There are not enough shocked and stunned smileys in the world :eek: to accurately convey what an insanely bad idea this is. I am worried that you had to convince your wife this was a bad idea and that it actually got to the stage of her discussing it as an option with you instead of her telling him to forget about it right off the bat. This nonsense should have never even come up for discussion. I hope you are in control of the checkbook in your family.

That is a really bad idea. If he was to do something really stupid, besides what is mentioned above, your wife could also lose her driving priveliges and be sued and be liable for damages and other claims. If he is really insistant, require him to purchase a minimum $1 million dollar umbrella insurance police in addition to his regular insurance. He should also be required to maintain his regular insurance coverage at 3 times the state minimum requirements. Even this isn’t a perfect way to protect your wife but it is close.

My wife and I carry twice the coverage my state mandates and it only costs us about $150 more a year. Look at the value of a lot of vehicles on the road today, is the $25,000 in liability most states require enough to cover all the potential costs if you are in an auto accident. Take your eyes off the road for a few seconds in rush hour traffic and it would be easy to be found liable for much more than your insurance will cover.

Bad idea. Glad you’ve convinced her NOT to do this.




Yup, right behind the mattress tag squad. One false registration and you’re done for.

This has disaster written all over it. Now, this is just me, but I would impress upon Mr. Cavalier BIL the danger he was asking his sister to put herself in. He might, just might, get the message.

I allowed a friend to drive my car while I rode as a passenger. She failed to yield the right-of-way and plowed into someone’s truck. He sued her, my husband and me for $75,000 plus further expenses.

It was a fraudulent situation, but we were saved because he filed too late.

If your brother-in-law maimed someone, you and your wife could lose everything.

yes, it is a really bad idea.

But yes, she is his brother. He is family. As such, he has a right to serious consideration of even bad ideas if he proposes them seriously. He doesn’t have a right to have them adopted, but yeah, it’s OK for her to consider doing something stupid for her brother. Families are supposed to stick together and help each other out where they can. They aren’t required to do insanely stupid bad things for one another, but they CAN discuss it, and if sister in law can find some other kind of solution for bro in law, one that makes more sense, she can present that.

I guess I have to disagree that being “family” is an automatic entitlement to have asinine ideas thrown up for serious consideration between spouses. I was trying to be polite in my original response, but as I read the OP’s description I had this picture in my head of his wife actually listening to this proposal from her brother and then telling him she will talk it over with hubby, and then after the fact MBS has to convince her this is a bad idea. I’m sure MBS’s wife is a fine, good and loving woman but I got the impression she has little common sense or else this insanity would never have gotten to the point where MBS has to work to convince her this is a bad idea.

So many conficts and disputes in families and life generally are caused when someone lets a moron like BIL pitch what is manifestly a dangerous and crazy idea and then makes the spouse the bad guy for nixing this brilliant plan. If people would have the gumption or common sense to just say “no” when family scammers scam and weasel relatives weasel instead of loading it on the spouse, the world would be a less stressful place.