See? I’m so upset I am screwing up my coding!
Here’s a hug from a newbie: {{{{Purplebear}}}}
You have a good heart, which is reflected time and again in your posts here. I admire you and wish you the best. Good luck.
Serendipity and Tabithina already said all the good stuff that i could have said, being someone you don’t know. so i’ll keep it simple.
<choking back tears of gratitude> WOW. And some of my IRL friends wonder why I spend so much time on here. They just don’t know what they’re missing. The outpouring of love and caring on here, the sense of ‘we’re all family and have to stick together’ on here, are why I keep coming back. When Vestal Blue first invited me to join, I did, because it seemed a fun thing to do, to help pass the time while Mr Bear would be gone. I stay because I fell in love with the people and the atmosphere here.
I haven’t posted much for a couple of days because I’ve been busy with helping my brother and family pack up to move to Michigan. I’m hanging in there, not letting them see how upset I am about this move at this time, because they don’t need the added burden. So, I come to you, my online family. And you have opened your arms and your hearts to me, and given me the strength I need to make it through. I’ll be leaving in a little while to take him to the airport. Yes, I’m taking plenty of kleenexes with me. And, I won’t say goodbye, I’ll say see ya later.
MysterEcks, you’re such a dear man. You don’t like online hugs and smilies, yet you’ve been using them for me! That says a lot about your character, and I appreciate them all the more for that. Just knowing you’re here for me and wanting to help does help me. Rest in that. I’ll be sure and let you know if there’s anything else you could do for me, 'k?
Serendipity, Blush Thank you. What a wonderful thing to say! And, I’m wicked good too! I like that! I, too, like your sn, and how it rolls off the tongue.
Baloo, one of my favorite bears! Thank you. You’re a dear, as always. I still pull up the smilies you sent me, and chuckle over them. Now if only I knew how to use them!
techie, you’re one of the sweetest, most gentle people on here, always giving unselfishly of yourself to help others. I’m here for you, any way I can be. You deserve so much. Thank you for your sweet words.
evilbeth, thank you for your offer of a protection spell. While I don’t believe in your religion, still I know your offer is meant from the heart, and as such, I gratefully accept it. You are one of the sweetest people I’ve ever been blessed to know, online or IRL, and your kind words mean a lot to me. I will continue to post here, have no fear of that. I need all of you people far too much to walk away. Besides, I really love it here!
Tabithina, thank you so much. I’m enjoying getting to know you as well, from the posts I’ve seen. You’re a fine addition to our family here.
White Lightning, your hug is much appreciated, as are your kind words. Thank you.
{{{{{{White Lightning}}}}}}
Good thing I love hugs so much!
I’m here for you, babe, as are a lot of friends on the boards; Wish I could do more than offer moral support at this time.
Just remember; good or bad, this too shall pass. And you’ll probably come out the other end stronger for it.
Kisses and hugs your way.
I’m sorry I took so long to post, but I am going through alot also.
I’ll always be here for you whenever you need me. I wish I could do more for you, but you are always in my prayers.
purplebear, when you give a hug you get hundreds in return. with the amount of hugs that you have given on this board i’m sure the return hugs rival the national debt. hang in there. texans are tough. not even a hurricane can stop them. i know you will get through your life hurricane.
VB, my bestest friend. Your moral support is a lot, and means a lot to me. You always know what to say to pick me up, and your faith in my strength lends me strength when mine is all but gone. You have, more than almost anyone else, been my lifeline lately. Your unconditional friendship honors and humbles me, dear Larry.
pipefitter, I have no words to say how sorry I am at all that you’re going through right now. It means a lot to me, Lou, that you are still here for me, in the midst of your own struggles. Thank you, dear friend.
Many hugs and kisses to you both.
rocking chair thank you so much for your words. I’m a transplanted Texan, but you’re right, we’re tough here. And, I know I will find a way through this hurricane.
{{{{{{rocking chair}}}}}}
I haven’t been on the board much lately, PB, but that’s mostly because school has devoured my life. One of the things I miss most dreadfully about the boards is the lovingkindness that you are the perfect example of. (Yo, Swiddles, can we get a patron saint designation over here?)
That’s why it gouges my heart to see you so troubled and hurting. Believe me, hon, if I were in my old hometown (graduated from MacArthur, '89), I would run over with a plate of fresh cookies and give you an enormous hug AND a back rub.
Life gangs up on people, and miseries come in large herds (safety in numbers, doncha know). And if you’re like me, you buckle down and wait for the storm to pass. Only, sometimes it seems like the storm lasts an awfully long while.
I leave you with this:
Once, long ago, a great king asked his wisest philosopher to give him a phrase that would cheer him in bad times and sober him in good times. The king intended to have the phrase carved above the doorway to the throneroom, so that he could always see it. The wise man considered the request and finally replied:
“This, too, shall pass.”
This, too, shall pass, PB, and in the meantime, you’ll manage. Sooner or later, that storm will wear itself out, and you’ll be able to see the sun again.
(I can’t take a vacation from caring about one of the sweetest people on the board.)
If ever I can do anything for you, let me know, 'kay?
Just another hug, PB, because you’re just so GD sweet and it bothers me that you’re in pain.
{{{{{purplebear}}}}} (See? I can keep my hand above the waistband.)
Thank you, phouka for your kind words of encouragement. Reading this thread, and many others of similar tone, even the just plain silly ones, brings sunshine into my temporarily gray world. Glad to hear you’re another hometown girl. I graduated from West Campus, '77. Yes, I know. But, I’m still on the right side of the mythical ‘hill’. I have been buckling down, waiting it out, but this one has turned into a real Nor’wester of late. So, that must mean it’ll blow itself out soon, right?
TroubleAgain, it’s always a pleasure to read one of your posts. Thank you very much. I will let you know if there is. Meanwhile, your good thoughts and wishes are plenty of help already.
drop, my buddy, thank you! I love hugs, and can never get enough of them. But, really, you didn’t have to keep your hand up there. Just don’t pinch so hard next time, 'k?
I also must thank the really wonderful, kind, sweet people in chat the other night who got together and sent me an e-card to pick me up. Which it of course did! Thank you ever so much, weirddave, Falcon, Homer, Whammo, Sandyr, Drain Bean, Woodthrush, and Milosarian. You’re great pals, all. And, Geobabe, who also sent me a sweet e-card.
To give you an update on some things:
In Aug. Mr Bear was involved in a car accident back in Aug. He was driving, and suddenly there was a cab at a complete stop in front of him in the middle of the highway. He was almost able to avoid the accident, til the cab decided to leave at that moment and pulled out right in front of him. No injuries except to one of Mr Bear’s co-workers, a broken arm. We’ve been worrying some over what the court would do, and if they’d fine him and how much. Well, he got his day in court, and the cab driver was fined heavily for being stopped in the middle of the road. Mr Bear was fined for causing the accident, and therefore an injury, the equivalent of $548 American dollars. The good news is that no one was hurt seriously, and that his company paid the fine in full the day of the decision, and he won’t have to pay it back! Whew! I was sweating some how I was going to come up with the money for a hefty fine, if that had happened. God is so good!
I got my brother to the airport on time today, and I’ve heard from him that he got there safe and sound. He’ll be back on Thurs. night to drive the U-Haul. Fortunately, Mr Bear had some great ideas for how to get some strong muscles to help with the loading of their stuff, so I’m very hopeful that will work out. If anyone out there wants to come help, just let me know. I’ll gladly pay for pizza and beer and/or sodas for the help. Not to mention several hugs!
G’night all. Thank you, for the calmness and peace this thread has brought me already. And, the major warm fuzzies too!
I know it’s not much - wish I could do more.
I’m sending happy thoughts your way for you and the fam though.
begins transmitting warm fuzzies
I’m glad that the company paid his fine, and that Mr Bear was found not guilty, except for causing the accident (which to me is a bunch of hooey).
Nice to hear he made it safely. If I could make it down there, I would help out with my scrawny little muscles. That soda and pizza sounds good, along with the hugs from you!
I hope everything else goes according to plan with you.
Who loves ya, baby?
(The Dopesters do, that’s who!)
You are such a sweet, kind, loving, caring soul, you deserve all the love and hugs in the world!
I’m glad things turned out OK with Mr Bear, and hope that everything turns out OK with all the other family stuff. God IS watching over you, you know that, and you’ll be all right. Keep hanging in there!
I hope things will improve. Surprisingly (in my experience) they usually do. And all these warm wishes and positive thoughts must be radiating all kinds of warmth to your PC (I hope it doesn’t melt).
Take care!
I don’t think I can add much to what’s been said, but I’d like to share something that a dear friend suggested to me:
If you rate each day in your life from 1-10, chances are, they’ll average a nice, comfortable 5. Would you trade away the 10’s just to be rid of the 1’s? Would you want to live every day at 5?
Personally, I like a rollercoaster better than a moving sidewalk.
Not too profound, I admit, but I’m not a philosopher, dammit!
Best to ya, {{{{{purplebear}}}}}! You know we’re all rooting for you!
Take care pb, remember that if you don’t take care of yourself you won’t be around to take care of anyone else. As stated before, sometimes you just have to say no. Your first priority is to your husband and children, and yourself. You can’t take on the burdens of the world and survive. I don’t think that your brother will walk away from you now. You’ve been such a help to him and his family. Thinking that he would is a heavy burden in itself.
Stress can ruin your life, work hard right now on reducing it before you let it take control.
Best of luck.
Awww hon; you say the sweetest things!
I guess I have to be here for you; a 22 year old habit is hard to change!
See how special you are? You even ressurect Phouka!
Thanks, dpr, it’s always a pleasure to hear from my Aussie pal. Love your warm fuzzies!
Pipefitter, thank you so much, dear friend. And, I know the truth; you only think you’re scrawny! I’ve seen your muscles in action when you were wrestling with my son. You’re welcome down here anytime, you know that.
More wonderful hugs from Geobabe. I can never get enough hugs, so this is great! I know He is, and we will be fine, I’m sure.
Spidey! My favorite spider. You’re absolutely correct, I had to cool it off for a while today, it got so hot!
FairyChatMom You’re right, I wouldn’t want to live every day at a 5. Variety is the spice of life, as they say. Thank you for reminding me of that.
Thank you for your sweet words, ultress. Very true, and I’m trying to do just that. And take it one day at a time.
Anytime for you, VB. Thank you for all you’ve done, you always know just what to say. And, you’re right about phouka, I must’ve done something to resurrect her. Now if I only knew what!
{{{{{{Spider Woman}}}}}}
{{{{{{Vestal Blue}}}}}}
Now for an update. Well, not everything is going to plan, and now we’re working on plan B, or is it C? Anyway, we’re just taking it one step at a time, one hour at a time. Just as part of the thinking-out-loud, is there anyone in Oklahoma, on the eastern side, or possibly hmmm. doesn’t Crunchy live in the St Louis area? I may be driving them up there, and it would be great if there were some along the way we could maybe crash for an hour or so and a drink.