Well, That Made My Day...

This is Truly M&P, but I thought IMS…

So I’m in my sister’s garage mudding the drywall we put up over the last couple of days. I’m pluggin’ along and I think I hear what sounds like a fast drum roll on tympani from down the street, maybe. I figure a loud car stereo at first. But it just keeps getting louder and louder.

I’m enough of an airshow freak that when the windows start rattling I know what it is I’m hearing: BIG radial engines. I drop the trough and trowel to run outside and see a B-17 at about 1,000 AGL nearly overhead. And she’s not alone. There’s an A-20 and a gaggle of T-6’s flying along out of some personal aviation dream and they’re doing it just for me.

I’m such a plane geek. My friend Bob McMath was a B-17 driver and I miss him. But that’s not why I’m getting misty. A piece of our history flew literally out of the blue today and I was there to watch them fly. Tailwinds, guys.

I wonder if they flew over me, too. I’m just a few miles south of you, as the crow flies.

Or the planes, whatever.

It’s cool - I get tickled by the little things. I think that’s what makes life fun sometimes.