Well, THAT was an odd dream...

Anyone care to psychoanalyze me ont his one.

OK, I’m in this basement. It’s decorated in 1970’s chic. Doesn’t look too bad. It actually looks like the basement of one of my schoolmates back in elementary school (Dawn and Fawn, the twins, no foolin’).

I’m playing guitar with a band. Drums, bass and another guitarist.

Suddenly I realize the other guitarist in Courtney Love!

Then I realize that underneath all the thrash we’re playing she’s playing the background harmonic part to the chorus of 867-5309 (Jenny)!

So I start playing the guitar lead part of it. Seems natural enough at the time.

She stops and starts screaming and throwing punches at me. We begin to fight. And we ain’t talkin’ no nail scratching cat fight here. Knock down drag out.

Then I wake up.

So what the hell was THAT all about?

Maybe you played it all crappy-like and she was pissed off?


  1. Courtney represents your mother, attractive in her own way, yet brutal. Did your mother disapprove of your wasting your time learning the guitar?

  2. Courtney represents your audience, who you fear greatly. You wish to perform publicly, but fear you will be pelted off the stage.

  3. Courtney represents Courtney, who you want to beat the crap out of and sexually dominate.

Pick one, I’ll make more!

Boy, I’m thinking #3.


  1. My mom more than approves. In her hippy days she truly rocked. When I was four she taught me all the words to “On the Cover of the Rolling Stone” and had her sing it to my friends.

  2. I’ve performed publicly playing about 8 ka-billion times with various bands of variable quality.

But whew! Sex is Courtney? Why not ride a tiger instead?

She genuinely seemed pissed that I’d recognized her playing an 80s pop song. Weird.

I say: Courtney is you. Courtney is your artistic/melodramatic side that wants to Break New Ground. Courtney was all on her way to inventing the Next Big Hit (while you slept, even!) when you point out to her that she was ripping off Tutone.

Needless to say, she was pissed. And she wasn’t about to admit that she was wrong, or anything. So she took it out on you.

That’s my story, and I’m stickin’ with it.

I’d say it was just the old subconscious randomizer messing with your head! :smiley:

lmao yeah I would say that

Courtney? Is that you?

It’s quite simple, Mr. Chance. Courtney Love clearly represents your penis. You see, the performance you are involved in is most clearly a SEXUAL performance. First, your penis is pining for a lost love by the name of Jenny, reminding you to call her so you can hook back up. Ring any bells? Next, you attempt to take control of the song, metaphorically trying to stop “thinking with your dick,” as it were. Your penis, of course, resents this. Finally, your own fear of sexual inadequacy (see LolaCocaCola’s post about your crappy playing) causes your penis to attack you in rage, believing that you aren’t worthy of being attached to it. Your penis may also feel that you aren’t confident in it, seeing as you are attempting to wrest control of your life from its clutches.

I suggest that a few sessions of couple’s therapy, at my normal rate of course, should allow you and your penis to live in harmony once more.

Ok What does mine mean?

I’m sitting in the living room of our house. My mom brings out these 3 dogs (borzoi, my favorite breed). I ask her where they came from and she says they are our dogs. Turns out, we’ve had them for years and I somehow forgot about them so we just kept them upstairs in the playroom. Slowly my memory returns and I remember the names of the dogs. I go upstairs into the playroom and there’s a birdcage with my bird in it that died a few years ago. We had “stashed” it up there with the dogs. I remember thinking in the dream, “Who fed these animals and how long have they been up here?”

Anyone know what this might mean? I know no ones gonna know because everytime someone asks to have a dream analyzed people just give funny responses! Oh well, just thought I would share!