Well, they found the landers! Hoax over.

I read that they eventually intend to take photos from lower altitudes with better resolution of all the sites.

Yeah, I can totally see the rasterization around them. :smiley:

Yeah, looks like a tall tale to me.

foolsguinea said:

Oh, please, do you smoke crack in your spare time? The “Moon landings were a hoax” is so prevalent, it has made it into commercials on TV. Admittedly, most are making fun of the idea, but it is highly visible in the popular culture. Tie in that this is the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11, and that is a couple of strong reasons to post pictures of the sites that show objects.

Now I agree that several of the pictures just show blotches and shadows that could be boulders, and that you have to take the word of NASA that the LRO cameras are pointed at the right places, so as proof this is still thin. But the Apollo 14 image is pretty convincing to me. It’s a moon picture and the tracks are visible, not just the lander.

But to argue that they are protesting too much? What is this, the third grade?

Nope! *Assuming that they could be convinced that they really were dealing with a real, operating time machine in the first place, *they still would not be convinced even by directly experienced evidence! After all, any person or group who could come up with a time-machine would also be clever enough to “fool” less sophisticated (read: rational) people with far more advanced efficiency. :smiley:

Also, see Habbo

Let me call you Seethruart… :smiley:

Most, if not all, of the hoax believers won’t be swayed by this. They’ll simply claim that these photos are faked. This will make them look even sillier than they did before.

The same people are no longer working at NASA. These supposedly fake pictures would be coming from a whole new generation. Before, they believed in a conspiracy that required the silence of hundreds, if not thousands, of people. Now, they’ll be believing in a conspiracy that also requires the silence and cooperation of people over several generations.

How do you know that? :dubious:

I think we’ll need some people with Fungineering degrees to settle this one. :stuck_out_tongue:

With all the powerful telescopes on Earth and that big one in orbit, they wait until now to show us pictures of the LM on the Moon? :confused:

Carry on! :stuck_out_tongue:

With all the thousands of articles on the web and dozens of threads on the Dope alone explaining why previous telescopes couldn’t take pictures of something that small, you waited until now to learn the facts? :rolleyes:

You obviously didn’t see my tongue firmly planted in my cheek, huh? :dubious:

The YELLOW radiation belt is especially deadly.

(Cf “SOS Green Lantern” Showcase, vol 1, No. 22, pp 1-6, J. Broome & G. Kane, Oct. 1959)

What are you talking about, here is the ship that the picture was taken from. Anyone familiar with her would know it wasn’t made by photoshop.

Maybe lightwave, but not a product of photoshop.

I’ve made over 13,500 posts and you haven’t yet learned that I love to snark, huh? :smiley:

BTW, drachillix. seethruart was a poster and Moon Hoaxer who eventually got banned. Duke was channeling him.

Oh, that’s what I heard going over my head! :smack:

Plenty of Shakespeare deniers believe in a cover-up that’s been going on for over four hundred years.

That supposed cover-up wouldn’t require the knowledge and cooperation of multiple generations of conspiracists, would it?

Proof that the landing was faked. This is the first attempt to film the moon “landing.” :smiley:

SSG Schwartz

That still wouldn’t convince them. After all, how do they know you didn’t go back in time, get Neil Armstrong, and then bring him to the future to walk on the moon?