Well, they found the landers! Hoax over.

NASA has photographed the lunar landers from the Apollo missions. The photos were taken by the Reconnaissance Orbiter. This establishes once and for all that there was no hoax, for anyone who is inclined to actually, you know, accept reasonable evidence. :smiley:

Was the Apollo moon landing a hoax?

[seethruart]If you look at the picture very carefully you will discern a number of tiny anomalies…[/seethruart]

You believe NASA? Those are clearly photo-shopped–the moon doesn’t have perfect white arrows like that on its surface.

Didn’t you notice from the shadow length that the return vehicle is still there? Clearly, either the astronauts died on the Moon and are still there, or this is a photoshop, done by someone who didn’t realize the return vehicle shouldn’t be there.

Or both…

Wow, cool. Apollo 16 landed so close to the rim of a crater! I wonder if that was intentional, or if they came very close to disaster.

No humans could have survived the radiation belts that surround the earth. (Cf “Attack of the Mole Men,” Fantastic Four, vol. 1, No. 1. pp 1-24, S. Lee, J. Kirby, 1962)

Just as the Russians did, the Americans sent unmanned landers to the moon and merely cut in footage of the supposed manned activities that had previously been filmed, probably in 1927 given the quality of the imagery.

If you require any more proof of this, remember that Richard Nixon was president at the time of the faked landing. Need I say more?

Best cite evah! :smiley:

Seriously though, in an age where everything is digitized and all that means is that someone arranged for the ones and zeros to be in place, is any “proof” ever enough?

That’s actually just a fairly shallow depression. The very low sun angle makes it look like a big hole.

See a panorama of the landing site here: http://halien.net/TAS/Gallery/apollo/a16landing.jpg

Woah, woah, stop the presses! Are you saying that the organisation that said it went to the moon has provided evidence that it…went to the moon?

Well, that’s me convinced!

Found the landers…lost the original footage. I think it’s a wash.

The people who believe the moon landing was faked are the like the people who believe Barack Obama was born in Kenya. You can provide all sorts of documentation and even photographic and scientific evidence, but nothing short of building a time machine and sending them to the moon so they can watch Neil Armstrong actually stepping out of the LM will get them to believe.
In this case I’m sure they’ll say something like the terrain around the landers doesn’t match the footage or the shadows look too big or some other line of BS.

But will they believe they are on the Moon?

I don’t believe the moon landing was faked, & **I **don’t find this picture convincing. In fact, in a, “they protest too much,” way, I now wonder if it was faked.

Wait, are you saying that Barack Obama was born on the moon?

That explains everything!

This would be true if the only people doubting the issue are the typical nut-jobs who love conspiracy theories and the like. However, I was reading an article about this that mentioned that younger people are increasingly willing to doubt the truth of the moon shots. This is apparently linked to two things: they weren’t around when they happened, and we haven’t been back, so they have no faith that they actually happened.

Sadly, our society is becoming increasingly skeptical about all the wrong things. :frowning:

You don’t find the picture of the Apollo 16 site, with the tracks out to the instrument site and back, convincing? I’m hoping you are joking… :dubious:

I don’t see any Lunar Whalers or Theme Parks in those photos… :wink:

And of course, I meant the Apollo 14 site. :smack:

NASA says the orbiter has an elliptical orbit, resulting in differing altitudes for photos taken at each landing site. I’m surmising that the Apollo 14 site was taken at the lowest altitude. I wonder if they’re going to make any more passes over them? I would really like to see the Lunar Rover tracks at 15, 16 and 17, which aren’t visible on the current photos.

Never mind.