Well winter's over

Not to be critical or anything, but some of you don’t seem to be doing “Winter’s over” correctly.

Not to be critical or anything, but is that all you have?

OP: What part of Michigan is Detroit. The last I knew it was within the mitten and we could have crappy weather right up into Memorial Day weekend and I imagine in the first week of June even.

Michigan weather changes by the minute…or have you not lived in Michigan for very long…

Snow emergency just declared, my wife’s school was canceled for tomorrow. All for 4-7" of snow?! This is pathetic.

It’s SNOWING !!! :smack: !!! here in Downeast Maine. Schools are closed. This is ridiculous.

We got about an inch of snow in western New Hampshire overnight. It has mostly melted already.

35 is the END of winter? Growing up in Houston, 35 was the depths of winter cold. Even in Dallas, that’s definitely a winter day.

End of winter? That’s probably when the daytime high cracks about 65 or so- typically right about now (the average last winter freeze is mid-March sometime). This year, winter ended in about the third week of February.

We’ve been eating fresh asparagus from the garden for weeks, and our plants are about tapped out by this point.

@Atomic Momma: Is it ridiculous that it’s snowing, or that schools are closing?

Do they do something like send all the snowplows south for the summer once it’s mid-March? Did they use all their road salt already?