Wendy Davis for Governor of Texas?

Probably not this time. Maybe not next time. But change is coming to Texas, as the tide comes in, every wave goes a little bit further. The Republicans still have tricks to play, redistricting, making it a bit harder for brown folks to vote, rear guard defensive maneuvers. But facts are facts, and people are facts. Venceremos!

Well, one reason could be that she’s hurt herself by needlessly exaggerating her personal story.

As Wendy Davis touts life story in race for governor, key facts blurred

The overall narrative of her story is generally true. I think it is odd that she exaggerated certain elements and outright lied on other aspects for no good reason.

Also, let’s face it, if she was going to have any real chance of having a decent showing in Texas (she never had a chance to win) it would have been by converting suburban women. That demographic is going to strongly dislike things like her giving up custody of her children (not even seeking joint custody).

But we can dream. :slight_smile:

[nitpick]She only gave up custody of one child, not both children. And she also, at her own insistence, paid a huge child support bill every month.[/nitpick]

Also, she appears to have been trained at the Joe Biden school for saying dumb shit.

Yes, Gregg Abbott probably hasn’t walked a day in her shoes … since he is a paraplegic.

Nah, that smear ain’t gonna work.

I’m curious now to know what relationship the author of the story, Wayne Slater, may have with any people in the GOP. This story smacks of a set-up, especially in light of the fact that the GOP apparently got a hash-tag to trend on Twitter (did I say all that right? I’m not really down with Twitter) less than 24 hours after the story ran.

Well, yes, it was one child because the other was an adult.

Right or wrong, I don’t think suburban moms in Texas are going to like that she gave her husband full custody after he paid for her school, raised her children (one which was his) while she was in school, and after he alleged she was unfaithful.

It isn’t really a smear when she acknowledges it herself.

And I think that the people you’re describing wouldn’t like her regardless of any aspect of her personal life, because she is a Democrat and because she filibustered a bill intended to restrict women’s access to abortions. I think if Jehovah himself came down and annointed her, many Texans would claim it was a fake and revile her for trying to trick people.

And since the substance of the story really doesn’t backup the claim made in the headline, the whole thing is starting to reek, IMO.

Surprised? They’ve been working on Davis-smearing for months now.

I’m not talking about hardcore Republicans. I’m talking about potential crossover women voters that lean Republican but might be swayed by Davis’s story. I think she loses many of them.

I don’t really understand this. It doesn’t really seem that sensational of a headline. Has she not touted her life story? Aren’t some of the facts surrounding her life story blurred? It seems unusually understated and accurate for a headline to me.

What in the world are you talking about? Don’t you realize that’s a completely different person working for a completely different media company making completely different allegations?

Whoa, what? She had an adult child when she was 19? I’m from Texas, and I got female relatives who had adult children by the time they were in their mid-30s but this is a new one on me.

Cite the statement from the husband that she was unfaithful, You skipped over that part.

And if she thought the action was best for her children, and did it for that reason, Moms everywhere, suburban or otherwise, can relate.

Be that as it may, a Texas politician who is not strictly truthful? Well, really, what chance could they have?

Sorry, I just think it’s wrong to allow someone decrying inaccuracies to make inaccurate statements themselves, so I corrected you.

Don’t you realize that it’s all one party/movement?

Well, he WAS the head of the SC Republican Party. Lotsa whores involved there. And some prostitutes, as well, I’m sure.

Still, having a governor who shades the truth would be such a stark departure from Texas tradition, I fear for my native state’s reputation! When I heard Rick Perry say he was an Aggie, I had no doubt, none whatsoever! Said to myself, that there is a pure-D genuine Aggie, no two ways about it!

Wayne Slater is the co-author of Bush’s Brain: How Karl Rove Made George Bush Presidential wherein he said lots of things about Rove and Bush that upset lots of Relublicans so I doubt he’s a hardcore Republican.

That said, I think it’s silly to argue she was wrong to claim she was a single mom at 19 when she was merely “separated” and nothing in the story would make me question her fitness for Governor.