Wendy, Marvin and Wonderdog

Hi Everyone!

Are there any DVDs available yet of the old 1973 Superfriends cartoon show that featured “Wendy, Marvin and Wonderdog”?


Superfriends is on DVD.

Buy a good used copy–just as good, & lots cheaper.

I always wondered what Wonder Woman thought about the fact that the kids apparently named their dog after her. It was a male dog, too, if I recall correctly. What the hell was that about? Do you really want to get the Amazon warrior steamed at you, when she might be the only thing standing between you and Gorilla Grodd in the future?

Looks like three separate sets of Super Friends DVDs available on Amazon, some at lower prices because they’re used. Check out the descriptions to see which ones you want:

Alas, none of those may be quite what the OP is looking for.
From the customer reviews:

If memory serves, the very first season is the only one with Wendy, Marvin, and Wonderdog. (And, to my little-kid-on-Saturday-morning mind, there was something magical about that first series, though not because of Wendy, Marvin, and Wonderdog—maybe it had something to do with being the right age at the time). After that, in subsequent seasons, they did away with Wendy, Marvin, and Wonderdog, and introduced Zan, Jayna, and Space Monkey Gleek, and then additional superheroes.

So if it really is the Wendy, Marvin, and Wonderdog shows the OP is looking for, you may be out of luck.