We're All Here. Now What? (Basic Tutorial)

The Kill It! Kill It With Fire! section:

Fuckin’ Discobot

@discobot display help

Basically just lists the stuff I’ve put here.

@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}

The two tutorials are tutorial and advanced tutorial. They keep changing the names, though, so check with Discobot if it the tutorial won’t start.

@discobot roll 2d6

Just like D&D. Number of dice, a lowercase d, size of the die. So 2d6 rolls two six-sided dice. The result will be something like:

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

Gives an inspirational quote.

@discobot fortune

Tells your fortune. Like a magic 8 ball.

Those are the things Discobot can do. But it probably shouldn’t. Not in public. Any reply box, whether in a thread or in a PM, will summon the beast if you even mention him.