The one thing that has not been addressed in the news reports on the White-house fire are what documents may have been destroyed. To me, this is the most important aspect of the fire, so what is the scoop?
The fire seems to have been centered around the VP’s ceremonial office. They usually don’t keep important documents there.
ETA: Also, the fire was not in the White House proper, but the much bigger (and far uglier) Old Executive Office Building across the street.
They managed to get the fire extinguished, but they’ll never get the smell of brimstone out of the curtains.
Actually, I think the CIA used a time warp machine to travel to the fire and use it to “accidentally” burn those torture tapes everyone’s been looking for the past few weeks.
(*Fucking Cheney & Friends.)
That was the headline on Fark:
“White House Evidence Burn out of Control”
The fire was outside the VP office. The VP had a man-sized safe in his office and has been uncooperative with the development of a presidential library. With this administration, I actually can’t rule out an intentional fire.
I find it unlikely that such a safe would be in the OEOB office. Cheney has an office in the West Wing which he uses for day-to-day business.
And the fire department is in on the conspiracy, too, right?
I keep imagining a stream of WH staff running towards the fire with papers to “accidentally” destroy in the fire.
If the fire department says that no documents were destroyed I’m good.
How incredibly bizarre that of ALL PLACES it had to happened in the most secretive V.P. in American history. Very odd, indeed, I wouldn’t put anything past a dick like Dick Cheney.
Hey, for a guy that’s more then happy to start yelling the f- word around Washington, a “well timed” fire would NOT be unheard of
I don’t know why the junior senator from Rhode Island would keep papers in the OEO Bldg rather than in the Senate Office Bldg where he could have ready access to them. But hey, I don’t know everything.
Hint: It’s the White (space) House.
My understanding is that the D.C. fire department responded to this fire. Are there security concerns with having civilian firefighters respond to such a fire? What happens in the case of a fire at the CIA or NSA? Do such agencies have in-house fire departments, where the firefighters have security clearance?
I read that the NSA has their own police and fire staff at their main facility - the Puzzle Palace. Coincidentally I believe I read this in the Puzzle Palace book by James Bamford. I’ll go find the book if you want a cite.
If you wish to bash Bush and Cheney (and these days, who doesn’t?) please start a new thread in Great Debates. Not here. Stick to the question.
Thank you, That is all.
With all due respect, Rico, the question itself is a shot over the bow. Only a yes or a no could be non-political. You may as well move it or close it.
It is a genuine question, and I am suprised that the press has not even addressed the issue. I thought that maybe somebody on the straightdope might have heard something that I hadn’t. So far, there is no answer.
It is true, the fact that I think to ask the question might suggest something of my political leanings, but it is meant as a search for a factual answer.
If the thread does degenerate to political bashing, feel free to move it or close it. I try with some success to stay out of those things anyway.
Also, I should point out, that just because documents were destroyed (if they were) does not mean it was intentional. I imagine there are much more efficient ways too destroy unwanted documents than to start a fire that gets media attention.
Moving this one to MPSIMS, as the temptation to post political jibes is too strong, even for a Moderator(–yeah, I’m looking at You, Rico. )
samclem GQ moderator
“But officer, we TRIED to put out the fire by smothering it with old videotapes and copies of emails to the Republican Party!”