We're recording the "official" version of the national anthem this weekend

The choir has been asked to record the official version of Advance Australia Fair. This weekend we’ll be at Fox Studios laying down the track and making an accompanying DVD. Apparently it will become the standard version to be played at all official government events and will also be made available for distribution to schools, community groups etc. throughout the country.

What a hoot! I’ve had to go off and memorise the words to the rarely sung second verse. I’d better make sure that I look appropriately patriotic whenever the camera is pointed in my direction.

But more importantly, is it in English? :slight_smile:

No, they threw in a word that is complete gibberish to see if they could fool an entire nation. Seems they did it.


Ooh, impressive. :slight_smile: Is it fun looking patriotic?
(Sidenote - I had no idea Oz also had a “rarely sung second verse”. Perhaps it’s some kind of rule. I trust it is not as nasty as the missing verse of the British song-thingy.)

Best wishes for the big gig.

In the interests of fighting my own ignorance, I jsut Googled it. I note that Australia is

" …land abounds in nature’s gifts
Of beauty rich and rare
Is there a bit where it remembers to mention oh, yes, and we have scary spiders and snakes too? :smiley:

I pass on to you the knowledge that my Australian co-worker passed on to me, which is this: Advance Australia Fair can be sung perfectly to the tune of the Gilligan’s Island theme song.

Now go in there and knock their socks off. :slight_smile:

Don’t you go attacking our “girt”. We love our “girt”. :slight_smile: (Otherwise known as the past participle of the verb “to gird”, meaning to encircle.)

Given the less than serious attitude that choristers are taking to this gig, this resemblence may be appropriate. At rehearsal last night our musical director kept yelling out “This is a great honour. We’re supposed to be taking it seriously” as the rest of us spent the night altering lyrics and otherwise behaving like unruly schoolchildren.

Wow. First I read Q.E.D.'s OP on joining Mythbusters and now this. Participation in what will surely become a well know and widely loved anthem. Very impressive indeed. Will we get a chance to order a DVD with signatures of you and the choir? Congrats!

points Ahahahaha!

Yeah, like we can talk. “Car ton bras sait porter l’epee…” snicker snicker snort from the eight-year-old-minded

Huh, my school never got to that one, I guess because “bras” was such an ordinary word. (If it had had a second verse talking about our ice floes full of seals, they never would have lived it down.)

Instead, they just totally sibilated the fuck out of the “s” in “gloriousssssss and free,” like assholes.

All done. It took just over two hours and was fairly painless. The orchestral arrangement was suitably grand and bombastic. We can all return to “non-patriotic” mode now.

Does this mean that Julie Anthony can now be safely disposed of?

Huh, I think they should have given you all medals or tea with the queen or the prime minster. Or free beer at least. :slight_smile:

Well, I’m assuming most second (or third, or first, etc.) graders in your school actually knew “bras” means “arm”. Our school got the lyric sheets with the words printed to sing along, and, you know, bras. :rolleyes: :wink:

Presumably. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the recording studio only ran to free tea and coffee. But a large number of choristers went home via the pub next door, so the deficiency was well and truly remedied.

What, you didn’t sing it to the tune of Working Class Man?

Curse you! I only came in here to post that. :smiley:

It’s gotta be done in the Barnsey accent too, with the bits in italics coming out through the nose:
“Australians ahhll let arse rejoi-oi-eeeeeaahhhh
Fwee are yungun freee-eeee–yahhhhhhhhhhh

You lose points if you can understand the words.