Australian Dopers - get your free copy of the national anthem

I noted in a thread in May last year that my choir had recorded a new version of the Australian national anthem, Advance Australia Fair.

Well, apparently the recording has now been officially released.

So you too can own a copy. After all - it’s your tax dollars at work! I’m sure that you’ll all be racing off to get one from your local member ASAP. :slight_smile:

Dude. if I could be arsed to get off my arse, I would so go and get a copy.

So are you in the Royal Australian Air Force Band? I didn’t know they also did Happy Feet.

Cool. I wish someone would record the version I always hear in my head:

*Girt girt girt girt girt girt girt-girt
Girt girt girt girt girt girt *

What, no Julie Anthony? :smiley:

I haven’t heard the new versions, but are they faster?

I once heard some musician type saying that yes, the anthem is dreary and dirge-like, but much of that is due to the propensity of the average untrained singer (the sort of Joe Average who belts out the anthem when needed) to sing most tunes too slowly, and that while still not fantastic, it’s a much better melody sung faster. I’ve only heard it faster in my mind, but I can’t help thinking that is true. It’s almost jaunty sung at a fair clip.

No. The Sydney Philharmonia Choir.

Yes, a bit faster than I have previously sung it. You’re right. It’s usually sung too slowly.