Just starting a new thread for tonight’s show, so I can link to last week.
First, I really enjoyed this episode, particularly the flash backs. They did a great job of regressing their characters to just the right degree of naivete.
Second, damn Sorkin for making me really like Sam’s character now that we know he’s going away. As a follow up to a point that king of spain* made in the other thread, I don’t think that Sam is necessarily planning to run for office in California. What he’s doing is pointing out that by neglecting the areas where they can’t win they promote apathy in the electorate. In Presidential campaigns the votes are tallied on a statewide basis. A Democratic vote from Orange County carries the same weight as a vote from San Francisco. Even if Dems don’t carry the county it can influence the election. See Palm Beach County, Florida for details.
One other impression from this episode, although it’s been building for a while. I never really considered how much influence the White House Chief of Staff has. It’s really almost as important as the Presidency itself, without the brightness of the limelight.
*king of spain, I will always be…king of spain
I loved the episode, especially CJ’s hair in the flashbacks. I could have avoided the Josh/Donna subplot.
I think Sam is getting ready to run for office. He’s one of the “best minds of his generation”, the President told him that he’d run for the presidency someday, he’s gotta start soon. While it clearly doesn’t have to be the Orange County seat (although the spot is now open) it will be soon.
I rate this episode: Meh. That’s right above “feh” but just below “zaa.”
Josh and Donna’s whole interplay was not only completely unnecessary, but…um…can I say completely uncessary twice? Because it was.
I’m not saying it wasn’t funny, but who flashes back to that? There are a billion and seven other better things that are happening in the here and now that are both interesting and help to further the plot.
Also, would somoene explain to the suits at NBC that I’m watching West Wing because I like the relationship between the characters NOT because I’d like to see further relationships between the characters. There’s a difference. It’s called West Wing not Angst Wing.
Thank you and good night.
I figured out that Donna was pulling a fast one on Josh, so then it was hysterical to watch him figure it out. I liked that part.
I think they’re going to do an episode (and the November sweeps are coming up) that is just the debate itself. Remember, you heard it here first.
I’m so nervous… will the President win re-election?
Great episode, btw. It’s definitely a keeper.
But they didn’t wrap up the Donna question…perhaps next week? And double damn NBC for not airing the previews for next week…instead, a whole montage of what we can expect for November sweeps.
So Toby knocked up his ex-wife? Was the white blood cell procedure before or after they were divorced? And can we assume they got divorced because Toby wasn’t entirely on board with impregnanting the wife?
And just why is Bartlet going to lose his home state? I didn’t catch that bit.
I missed the first 5 minutes so I thought any interaction between Toby and his Ex was a flashback.
Please don’t tell me that one episode is going to strictly a debate. Does the FEC know about this? Is this how they get around campaign finance laws now? Just create a TV show and let the candidate on there do the work for you.
I liked in the flashback when Bartlett told everybody to “stop acting weird” around him. I’ve always wondered about a new Presiden’ts first few hours or days in the office. “What do we do now?”
According to the online version of TV Guide, next week’s show is a repeat of the episode “Women of Qumar”.
Yep. Already.
They have to save teh new ones for sweeps week.
Thanks, MrVisible. I was wondering why my tape didn’t catch “next on the West Wing”. I don’t think they run a coming attractions trailer when the following week is a repeat.
I think that was designed to trick you, so when Toby mentioned at debate camp that the ex-Mrs. Zeigler was pregnant we’d be shocked.
Did they do it the old-fashioned way, or with test tubes? I did get a kick out of his griping at having to provide another “sample.”
I believe it is against Game 5 (if necessary) of the World Series, which may well be the deciding game. They don’t want to sacrifice a new one against that.
Anyone really believe they have a ICBM under the lawn? And Josh took it seriously when the fake came in?
Increasingly preachy, though. Tell Sorkin to go do some more drugs and lighten up.
Not under the lawn, under the Eisenhower putting green.
The fake NSA guy never said a thing about there actually being a nuclear warhead on site. It was something about Donna’s quotes in the magazine “hitting a little too close to home”, and Josh’s imagination did the rest.
Oblong, I have no idea if there really will be a debate episode. I was just making a bold prediction.
And, apropos of nothing, I saw a very interesting interview with Aaron Sorkin. He said he isn’t particularly political, but that he just has a great ear for the way intelligent people talk.
‘Meh’ here as well. The only thing I really liked was Sam and Josh’s little introduction to pedeconferencing. “Maybe we can talk while we walk.” “OK”
I’m a little leary about Toby’s sperm hitting the mark. On one hand, it is something that happens in the real world and should be reflected on the show. On the other hand, there’s this big tank of water with a shark swimming around inside…
I didn’t really like the unnecessary swipe at the outgoing Republican’s work ethic. I doubt anyone in the White House has ever worked from 8 to 6pm.
OTOH. WooHoo UC San Diego. Between TWW and a mention on last night’s X-Files repeat, we Tritons are finally getting some respect. Take that UCLA!
Oh, that was fun. I’m sorry I didn’t tape it.
Toby and his ex-wife were already divorced when we met her back in the first season, so he got her knocked up sometime after the divorce. Odd. Oh, hell, I don’t care, the idea of Toby as a future dad just makes me happy. The scene where the staff found out really was terribly cute. (I’m surprised C.J. looked so happy about it, though; I always kinda thought there was something between her and Toby.) I hope they show us when the President finds out.
I enjoyed Sam playing Bartlet’s debate opponent, but Rob Lowe needs a haircut badly.
Oh, and the flashback where Josh and Sam invented the pedeconference was great. All the early-White House scenes were, really. (I will admit I could’ve done with less of the Donna storyline, although I do enjoy seeing her pull one over on Josh.) And why didn’t anyone tell me we were getting a Mrs. Landingham appearance?
After next week’s rerun we’ve got the debate episode and then Election Night. Get ready, everyone.
Yeah, but Josh was figuring “ICBM” when too close to home hit. He must’ve thought “missile” or “warhead”. A warhead there would be much too impractical, and anyone should realize it. Even iodine pills would be silly - they have a radioactive iodine leak? How? Had a reaction already?
I dunno. It’s an intelligently written show, which is why I watch it, even though I disagree with most of the politics, but if he doesn’t think there is a HUGE slant apparent, either he’s a fool, or thinks his audience is. And if he thinks all the intelligent people are liberal Dems, he’s also an arrogant SOB.
I’m not a regular watcher, but I’d assume it’s because New Hampshire traditionally has been a conservative state. Presumedly in the past, Bartlett’s status as a “native son” has outweighed his idealogy.
I dunno. It’d be ballsy for Sorkin to have Bartlett lose the election and continue the show with a entirely new administration and cast of characters.
I thought that was her predecessor poking a little more fun at Donna; setting up her expectations so that she thought she’d actually have a life while she worked there. He was, after all, a practical joker.