We've got Monkeypox!

It’s official. The United States has Monkeypox!

I hereby nominate Monkeypox as the funniest disease name ever.

I demand that we make it a matter of national policy to immediate contract lemurpox and orangapox.

Not to mention chimpanpox and platipox.


Drat. Anyone with a NYT account wanna sum up the article? :slight_smile:

Sure thing.


Huh. Wonder what a nonproductive cough is. I guess that means one that doesn’t produce phlegm?

A non-productive cough is one that takes regular union breaks and then does not return for at least twenty minutes to an hour after the original return.

Hope that helps.

I’m not positive, but I’m guessing someone who gets and resolves monkeypox is then immune to smallpox.

I am deeply offended at how the members of the SDMB are making light of this situation. Monkey pox is a serious problem to all us monkey creatures, myself included. I would appreciate a bit more sensitivity to the plight from my fellow simians.

good day

::swings away in righteous indignation::

The local NBC station interviewed a recovered worker at the shop where the outbreak started; he characterized it as being (for him at least) much less severe than chicken pox, and amounted to 3 days of fairly mild flu-like symptoms along with the pox. They also noted that the shop owner is cooperating fully in providing info on who bought the infected prairie dogs or Gambian rats (as they’re not sure which species had it initially).

The problem with the disease is that this is apparently its first appearance in the western hemisphere, and there are concerns about what might happen if it spreads into the population - worries about mutation, and so forth, I gather.

Unlike Smallpox, Monkey pox dies out in humans before spreading too far. Smallpox will carry on generation after generation, retaining its virulence.

Disease of the Month Club: Monkeypox.

Let’s see if we can come up with ten more diseases to scare the bejeebus out of every one.

Right now, I would like to trot out what can be known as *The Summer Collection *:

May: Sars

June: Monkey Pox

July: West Nile Virus

August: Lyme Disease

In truth poxes are quite widespread in the Animal Kingdom.

Ya got your Monkey Pox, yer Penguin Pox, yer Catapillar Pox, Cow Pox and even Fish Poxes of a number of flavors.

Reference a half-remembered copy of Preston’s “The Demon in the Freezer.”

Truth poxes?! Yow! Now, there’s a frightening concept. It could spell the end of society as we know it.:eek:

Got it on the first guess. A nonproductive cough doesn’t bring anything up. A productive cough comes with a prize. :smiley:

Hey! Anyone wanna trade infectious diseases? We’ll see your Monkeypox and raise you a SARS and a Mad Cow. Still waiting to see who gets dealt the West Nile Virus, but considering the legendarily-voracious insect life of our northern forsts, I haven’t much hope…

Gee, I was little surprised to see that someone had been trading prairie dogs as pets. My family is from the American Southwest and we were always told to stay the hell away from prairie dogs and their burrows as the bubonic plague is a risk. (One of the last plague deaths I remember reading about was a researcher who had been doing prairie dog studies in NM.)

They are damn cute little critters though.

What the heck is a Gambian rat? (For some reason the name conjures up the image of something that’s half-amphibian half-rat.)

You forgot one of my favorites; Hantavirus. I got to work on that one!

Hmm… I’ll trade you some locusts and four horsemen.

Somebody’s been fucking the monkeys.

Well, yeah, but he swore he was clean.