Two questions:
Do you think we will be hit again?
What do we do if we are?
Two questions:
Do you think we will be hit again?
What do we do if we are?
I certainly hope not but it remains a strong possibility. It is why I advocate a strong retaliation, immediately.
We must redouble the retalition. There must be retribution for crimes of this scale. No country on earth must be allowed to assist with or commit such an atrocity without experiencing severe consequences.
Top of my head…
Marine Barracks in Beirut
Bombing at the WTC
Saudi Arabia bombing
The two Embassy bombings
Attempted bombing at LAX
USS Cole
WCT and Pentagon
…why would you think it’s over ?
For ‘them’, it’s not over until US Foreign Policy changes or they’re dead. IMHO.
of course.
Ditto. Of course. Only question is when. I’m predicting before Xmas. Color me pessimistic.
Should we assume that air travel isn’t their first choice anymore?
I’d assume that now they’ll try to park a couple semi trucks full of fertilizer out front somewhere (in a less-obvious locale?)