First of all, I don’t presume to know the thinking of Governor Pataki.
ultrafilter makes good points, particularly the latter.
Over thirty years ago, I became a firefighter, sponsored by the son of our only member to die in the line of duty. Having been to the Fallen Firefighters Memorial at the National Fire Academy in Emmittsburg, MD many times for training courses, I’m familiar with the flags that I’ve never seen at full staff, the bronze plaques bearing the names of men and women-some I knew, and many I did not.
Then there’s the big plaque-September 11th claimed more firefighters on one day than the three worst years put together since the NFPA and USFA began keeping statistics. Look at them-they are fathers, sons, neighbors, friends, lovers, husbands.
AFAIAK, save the political rhetoric. The engine companies, truckies, and officers who went in knew full well that the likelihood of out was dubious, at best. It didn’t matter if you were young or old, black or white, or any other division you care to offer. All of that nonsense goes aside when you depend on your partner to ‘crawl the hall’. I’m not leaving without you, and you’re not leaving without me.
What I remember on the anniversary is those I’ve buried, my badge taped with a black ribbon, the sound of the pipes, and the cameraderie of this business we call fire, for truly, we are our brother’s keepers.