What amazing powers does the *moderate* consumption of alcohol grant you?

I get better at conversation, better at sex, better at dancing, more willing to do things inhibitions normally repress. I think the reason a slight buzz makes us all better at something is because it silences the inner critic. Of course, too much and the judgement goes with it…

Oh, and strangely enough, when I have a couple of drinks, I emulate the speech pattern or accent of the people I am talking to.

Just about the only thing I’m a little better at is darts. Sober, I suck, between 3-5 drinks, I can hit anything I need. After that, the curve sharply drops.

Ah, softball…one of the few sports where drinking on the field isn’t just allowed, it’s damn near mandatory. :smiley:

The ability to sleep for hours, without a break.

I get very courageous and skillful on a bicycle in the dark. I climb trees without fear. I can also handle parrots without fear of being bitten, as it no longer phases me.

Good or bad, I’m much more honest when I’ve had a few drinks. Well, not that I’m dishonest when I’m sober, but in my single days, if I liked someone, and had a few drinks in their presence, I’d usually tell them.

The next day I’d either be very happy I did, or miserably embarrassed.

So, I suppose I have the power to either get what I want or be really embarrassed.

I’m now married and drink rarely, so, this no longer is applicable to my situation.


I can drink all night and still beat anyone. :slight_smile:
For me, it’s pool. I overthink shots sober.

I’m much more enjoyable to be around and others who have been drinking find me attractive.

I get more impulsive (this is all after shots, I don’t like beer). I was out wandering across campus with some friends who were likewise a little sloshed. I saw this girl walking a bit far off and zoom! I was gone. My friends had a hrd time keeping up and they are much more athletic than I am.

I also get to thinking too much. I went to a strip club (never been to one before, I figured why not) and when I first went in I was nervous, uncomfortable and staring at the “girls”. I had a drink and spent the rest of the night giggling at the strippers, the guys watching them, and trying to have a serious conversation with the young lady my friends had hired to give me a lapdance.

On a side note, booze + Grand Theft Auto 3 is guaranteed entertainment…and the more you drink, the more fun you have…at least in my book

I get better at both singing and dancing…

…in fact, this past weekend I swear I morphed into Janet Jackson as the result of Cinco de Mayo margaritas. :smiley:

Oh, and apparently I can bring the house down with a wedding toast when the champagne has been flowing freely!

I was Maid of Honor in trishdish’s wedding, and all I remember from my Moment of Toasting Glory was me standing there drunk off my ass, bawling, and repeating “I love you” into the microphone. Nonetheless, I made trishdish break down (and this without even engaging my backup plan, which was to start singing “Ebony and Ivory” :D), and as I made my way back to my seat (having blown my nose into trishdish’s veil, I looked around and everyone was bawling like an infant (guess they were drunk, too)!

When I arrived back home, my sister asked how my toast had gone. I told her about the whole bawling repetition of “I love you” into the microphone, and she asked, “Were you drunk?”

Before I could even answer, my mother (who attended the wedding as well) huffed, “NO she was not drunk!!!” and said that I’d given a lovely toast, contrary to the story I was telling.

So apparently, I’m also good at appearing completely sober when I’m drunk as a skunk! :confused:

Ah, yes, auntie em, this ability is key. I actually discovered it myself last Christmas Eve. After dinner at my aunt’s, we all went to my dad’s church for a late service. I’d had, oh, four or so glasses of wine and was feeling prit-ty toasted. I just remember trying not to sway to much while my old Sunday school teachers came up to greet me. Apparently, I pulled it off, because later they all told my father I’d become a lovely and charming young woman. :wink:

My Southern accent gets much stronger. I also have a tendency to kiss people or, on occasion, lick them.

Add me to those like Jojo whose billiards proficiency skyrockets after a couple of beverages. Sober, I’m mediocre. With a slight buzz, I’m still mediocre but competitively so. But like others have said, the real challenge is maintaining that perfect edge, without tipping over into incoherence and clumsiness.

Somehow just the right amount and kind of alcohol makes me even angrier, more bitter, and more hostile than usual.

My Italian gets a good deal better. I relax more with it once I’m leaning towards tipsy.

I also am able to giggle uncontrollably at really random and inane philosophies I’m able to spout.

Three words: Drunk Drunk Revolution.

Moderate quantities of alcohol give me the power to ramble on pointlessly without end.

I can understand spanish. Still can’t speak it, but I can listen to conversations that other people are having in spanish, or tv, or radio, or whatever and understand it.

I can follow much better, than I can straight sober. I can just dance better in general. I can’t sing better, but I can sing louder. I’m generally less shy, which is a very good thing.

hehehe, me too Tsubaki. In fact, getting stoned makes it even better than with alcohol ! So much so, that my friend and I made sure we got stoned before our 3 Unit Japanese speaking exam for our HSC. (final high school exam, for non-australians) Doesn’t work for reading and writing, (that kanji makes no sense when you’re out of it) but it does work well for speaking, or so our teacher told us.

I begin to act like a normal human being. But drunk I am never the same person twice.

I write poetry better after a shot of whiskey. When I have a little bit of alcohol, it strips off the barriers that keep me from writing totally from the heart. After a couple of drinks, I can write stuff that literally bleeds with poignancy and sincerity.