What anti-virus is recommended for Acer Nitro-5 on Windows?

We have a be computer Chez Pipers. It’s an Acer Nitro-5 gaming laptop running Windows.

What anti-virus programme is recommended for it?


I just use the built in Windows AV, and when I set up my friends’ machines, I do the same for them – uninstall any free trial crap and turn on Windows Defender, or whatever it’s called these days.

No complaints so far!

I concur with @RitterSport. These days, there’s little reason to run a third-party antivirus. Windows comes with Windows Defender, and it works.

And, yes, sometimes a computer may come with some free trial of some paid antivirus. Fortunately, if you uninstall those, Windows Defender will automatically turn itself on.

And be damn careful when installing utilities such as Acrobat PDF Reader, as they often have a pre-filled checkbox to install McAfee or another AV tool.

Thirding (fourthing?) all the advice above. Third-party AV bloatware is sooo last-decade.

Marbellous! Thanks all. Will check to see if Windows Defender is on.

And side-bar, if any of you have any thoughts on this problem?

Windows Defender is all you need. Uninstall any antivirus that came with the computer to activate it.

It’s on any Windows 11 computer.

Another vote for the native Microsoft tools from an IT pro.

Yes, the built-in Windows Defender is enough.

You might consider downloading the free versions of some like MalwareBytes, SuperAntiSpyware, etc. to have them available in case you get infected. Maybe even run them every month or two just in case. But don’t allow them to install something to run all the time – Windows Defender does that, and you don’t want multiple ones running & bogging down your machine.