What anti-virus software do u use?

Im using pc-cillin at the moment (trial version). It looks nice and comes with a firewall… But how do i know it’s good enuf without sticking a few viruses up it’s arse or something?

What do u use, why and what do u like about it?

neoof, this question is better suited to IMHO.

I’ll move it for you.

General Questions Moderator

thank u :slight_smile:

AVG - from www.Grisoft.com
It’s free and it works.

I second Patr100’s suggestion. Excellent virus protection.

Thirded. And it’s spelled ‘you’ and ‘enough’.

I fourth AVG. Although I should note that it hasn’t detected anything yet on my setup, so it hasn’t really been tested.

But one cannot install the free version of said product in any network environment.

I need a personal firewall with it, really. one that’s easily configured.

I use PC-Cillin. And I love the virus protection. But the firewall failed Gibsons Leaktest, and I haven’t really found a way to get it to pass. That is, sadly, about the extent of my knowledge in testing the quality of firewalls. :slight_smile:

What I really like about PC-cillin is its a very quiet program, and doesnt interfere much with what else the computer is doing. It operates very nicely in the background and doesnt cause any noticeable slowdown.

I use both the online PCCilin for the occasional test and AVG. Unfortunately, neither has found a virus, so I’m paranoid that they’re not working…

I use Mcafee firewall and anti-virus which is about $100 a year or so. Seems to work pretty well but the auto-update feature is a nightmare - it always gives me a 404 error and I have to search around for the update.

Chairman Pow: Create a new text file, and copy and paste the following code into it:


Save the file, then rename it to “avtest.com” (no quotes). Assuming your antivirus software let you do all that, double click on the file. If your antivirus software is working properly, it will freak and tell you it discovered the “EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE! Virus.” Delete the file.

If you prefer, you can also download the file directly from the official Eicar website.

You’re free to install it in a network environment as long as it’s not a commercial one.

As for the firewall, ZoneAlarm is recommended by many (a free version for personal, non-profit use is available.)

Well, that’ll teach me not to reply before reading the bolded red EULA.

If you have two or more PCs connected in a network I cannot recommend the free version of AVG.

That was useful Alereon, thanks. AVG found it as soon as I saved the file.

I’m another AVG user. I have used the free version for years, but I have recently bought version 7.0 because it has many features that I was tired of being without that the free version doesn’t have; namely, better scheduling and specifying which folders/files to scan and how often.

It’s an excellent product and I fully recommend it.

I use F-prot and the ZoneAlarm firewall. I installed this after a week of horror a few months ago when I had to clean 7 computers here at work, one of them had 12 different viruses IIRC and they all had more than 3. After installing F-prot and ZoneAlarm I have been completely virus-free. All hail Fridrik Skulason and his awesome anti-virus software! I have to admit, though, that I bought F-prot mostly because it’s an Icelandic product…

Another AVG here.

A British computer magazine recently tested a variety of anti-virus and anti-trojan programs, both commercial and freeware, using over 58,000 viruses and trojans.

The top 5 programs (and the overall detection rate) were:

F-Secure - 99.63%

Kaspersky - 99.35%

AntiVirenKit (AVK) - 98.67%

McAfee - 97.24%

RAV - 94.26%
The top free anti-virus programs were:

AntiVir - 77.74%

Fire Anti-virus Kit - 67.99%

AVG - 65.68%
One thing that was quite interesting is that, with only two exceptions, the anti-trojan programs tested detected less than 40% of the trojans and backdoors - most of the anti-virus programs* did better.

*Of the free programs only AntiVir managed this, detecting 49.21% of them.

Oh, to clarify something; the Fire Anti-virus Kit tested was the lite version.

Also, for the benefit of the OP; PC-Cillin had an overall detection rate of 86.94%