what are Grits?

without the “cream” part :slight_smile:

…and now, with the Miracle Ingredient…

Extra Sand! :smiley:

According to my father, grits are a sophisticated system for carrying apple butter from the bowl to one’s mouth.

Either grits or corn meal mush can benefit from not actually being eaten immediately, but placed into loaf pans in the fridge. You then cut slices off for frying, and eat with syrup.

Grits are a bland porridge made from hominy. Hominy, in turn, is dried corn (maize) that has been soaked in a lye solution to remove the husk. This has the added benefit of making the niacin in the maize more bio-available. It is popular primarily in the Southern US.

During my brief service with the US Army, I was stationed in Missouri. The mess halls offered grits as part of breakfast on a daily basis. When I lived in Texas, they were also commonly offered in restaurants. Frankly, I don’t see why they are the subject of much argument. Grits are a rather bland and inoffensive food, in the same category as oatmeal, cream of wheat, farina, or other hot cereals. They taste mainly of what you put on them.

And when you put nothing on them, they taste like Romulan Emergency Rations. Kudos to the Trekkie who can identify the ST novel that joke came from.
My admiration, if you can also identify the character. :slight_smile:

must have lots of cheddar cheese and butter and salt, with a side of grilled shrimp or fried catfish and a cold pbr . . . at least that’s how we like them on the Gulf Coast . . . yum

The UK doesn’t.

Canada does.

“Grits” is a nickname for the Liberal Party in Canada.

Many sorrys. :frowning:

If you are curious and want to try grits, seek out a Denny’s Restaurant. They offer grits in place of hash browns with their breakfasts.

At least they do here in SoCal, and it’s one of the few places I know of that serve grits in this part of the country.

Here’s how you eat them:

Order your eggs over easy or over medium… heck, sunny side up if you like 'em that way. You do NOT want them scrambled or with the yolks broken… you want a runny yolk.

When the plate comes out, Denny’s will have put your grits in a bowl. This is OK for now. Ask your server for extra butter. While she brings it, move all the eggs on the plate to one side and put the grits on your plate. Mix all the butter and some salt in with the grits and then put the eggs on top. Add lots of black pepper and a little more salt to the eggs.

Now, take your knife and fork and shred the eggs into the grits. Cut cross hatches across the eggs, kinda like you’re cutting up spaghetti for a little kid to eat with a spoon. Make sure the yolk gets mixed in good with the grits, turning them a golden color, and the cooked whites get cut up into bite sized bits.

Now, eat this mixture with a fork. Try to get a bite of egg white in with each bite of golden grits. My sister used to crumble her bacon in with the grits and eggs, but it’s not necessary.

That is the only proper southern way to eat hot grits. And it’s damn good. Anyone who disses grits hasn’t been served proper grits, and I feel sorry for 'em. I get a craving for this at least once a month, and Denny’s grits are actually not all that bad.

(It’s also traditional to throw a big pot of boiling hot grits on your unfaithful husband when he’s least expecting it. But that’s not eating 'em…)

No…it’s merely kinder than forcing the poor slob to eat them. :smiley:

“D’ y’all serve grits here?”

“Ma’am, we serve anyone.”

“No, no. Hominy grits. Y’all serve hominy grits?”

“We’ll serve however many you want, ma’am, but parties over six will have a fifteen percent gratuity added to their check.”

Mixing grits with eggs fried easy is OK, but good grits taste better by itself. If the grits are made right, with plenty of butter and milk, they are sumptous solo. Few places make them right, but the Marina here in Charleston does a great job.

I never thought of grits as a porridge. I’ve always thought porridge was a type of soup. Grits is more on the order of cream of wheat, only with corn.

I’m with bughunter on the Denny’s grits but up here on NoCal if they gave me more butter with my grits I’d need to eat it with a soup spoon.

Born and raised in CT by the way.

I’m a northener myself and I love grits. If you’re in the Washington, D.C., area, go to the Hickory Grill (Loehmann’s Plaza, U.S. 50, near the I-495 interchange) for Sunday brunch and have their grits. It’s the real coarse-ground, slow-cooked stuff and it’s great.

Cracker Barrel also serve grits.

To elaborate just a bit. The dried hominy is then ground to the consistency of medium coarse sand.
It is properly termed hominy grits, commonly kna GRITS!

No need to apologize - no insult taken or intended. Sorry if I seemed gruff - was in a hurry to post and get back to work.

Everything’s :cool:

I was glad to see this come up so early in the thread. My first thought when I saw the title was to reply “The opposite of Tories, of course!” but now I don’t have to. :stuck_out_tongue:


   Picketts' charge, I remember studying that at school as a what not to do. 
 I live in the West Island of New Zealand, you might have heard of it. We call it Australia and didn't we kick those Kiwis in the Test Cricket 2wks ago. All jokes aside I'm determined to try these grits, they must be alright from what I'm reading.

What’s the connection between grits and Natalie Portman? I’ve seen this combination mentioned in online forums but never got the reference.