what are Grits?

They are beyond “alright.” Good grits are comfort food of the first order. I like mine with salt, pepper, a little butter and a ton of Crystal sauce.

I’m sure we can arrange an International Food Swap after the holidays. I’ll send grits and anything else you are wondering about, and you can send things that will keep an Auusie friend of mine from going through withdrawals. :smiley:

See here. :smiley:

Get a room.


Another non-traditional, but still very tasty way to eat them is with some hot chili sauce stirred in. As a native Californian raised far from the Land of Grits With Everything, I’ve got to say I far prefer grits over oatmeal or any other hot grain cereal. Grits have texture and character; the others are just mush that remind me of phlegm at best.

Sorry about all these other Merkins who couldn’t figure you’re Aussie and have been going on about local US restaurants. When I saw “Senate” and “Chook” in your second post I had you pegged. Heck the rest of the slang in there was enough to tell anyone you’re not a Merkin, even if they had no idea where you were from.

sory for any splng errs but its hard to type fast with yur beak and if The Mango saw me tryng to us the keyboard shed tak me away so I wont poo on it.

grits are wunnerful. especially when your pet human is sharing thm with yu at brekfast and they have butter and milk and hony on them but ther good plain too.

the bad thing is she puts thm in my food dish and puts me in my cage when she levs for work becus I like them so much I get busy eating and dont notice shes gone until iv finished. her mom usally comes home after a littl while but shes not as fun to play wth as the Mango.

  • Shamus

I am from the South and went to college in the South. I lived off instant grits, they are perfect for a poor college student with a hangover. Grits is one of the best things to eat with a raging headache and a queasy stomach.

The next time you stay in an Omni hotel, make sure you wake up in time for breakfast. Omni grits are a speciality.

That was shameless, and I apologize. Almost.

Let’s not forget Khomeini grits, the Breakfast of Hostages…

All jokes aside, YOU’LL BE SOOOR-RRYYYY!

I love grits.

But this one has gone far afield. Not that I didn’t enjoy the info.


samclem GQ moderator