Surely they must see that there’s only downside to them with this guy. He provided the service they need by coagulating their splintered base and getting control of all of the branches. Now they got their tax cuts, which is really the only thing they agree on, so what more can Trump do for them?
I apologize if this has already been discussed, but I try to stay out of the politics threads.
Actually there are very few things the Republican Congress has discussed yet. There are all kinds of Republican plans for eliminating consumer protection, environmental and safety regulations and agencies and gutting the safety net that haven’t even been discussed yet.
Republicans in Congress don’t need Trump to do any of the stuff they want to get done done. They have Pence who would just as gladly sign their legislation.
What Republicans in Congress need are the rabid voters who put Trump in office. If they “discarded” him, there would be an uprising, possibly violent, possibly involving a revival of medieval forms of torture.
If they do that without Mueller providing overwhelming evidence, then they lose millions of hardcore Trump supports at the polls. They all lost primary challenges. No chance they impeach.
They don’t like Pence all that much. Trump is the ideal stooge for them. This isn’t Trump’s tax bill, it’s the Republican establishment tax bill payoff to their contributors. Anything else they want they will pass and they’ll blame Trump in the end when it all breaks bad.
This is real problem they have. There won’t be any uprising, those congenital morons just won’t go out to vote for the Republican establishment anymore.
But it is all moot, the GOP will not in any way discard Trump until there’s a smoking gun tying him to a serious crime. Not petty nonsense like treason, not sexual harassment, or tax fraud, or murder, nope, it has to be something serious like increasing taxes for the rich.
There’s no way they ditch Trump - at least not now. Remember when they couldn’t get Obamacare passed? Did they blame Trump for that? No, they blamed Mitch McConnell, never mind the fact that the turtle’s historic level of obstruction is what gift wrapped Neal Gorsuch, Trump’s lone political victory to date. Are Republican senators quitting because they supported the president, or because they opposed him? This is Trump’s GOP now.
Yeah, I’m sure Trump is going to sign on the dotted line, but I don’t think he had all that much to do with putting it together. This is the GOP Congress’s tax bill. It might align with what Trump wants, but I don’t think it would be much different if a different president were in the WH.
Totally disagree. Pence is a standard Republican who toes the company line. You wouldn’t see Pence damaging the “brand” like Trump is, you wouldn’t see Pence tweet out nasty attacks against people of his own party, you wouldn’t see Pence put down the dog whistle in favor of a bullhorn. Trump has been nothing but headaches for most of these guys, even if they smile and nod politely in public. Trump is anything but their “ideal stooge.”
Members of Congress fear Trump supporters. There would be an uprising of some sort if Republicans in Congress “discarded” Trump, either electoral or…something. Some of those people is NUTS. And they see Trump almost as their Messiah. They wouldn’t merely become unmotivated to vote after Trump was removed from office; I suspect they’d rally around their martyr in possibly unprecedented ways.
There’s that old saying, “Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.” After the GOP was repudiated in the 2006 midterms and the 2008 election, what did the GOP in Congress do in each case? Doubled down on their support for Bush (in 2007-2008) and opposition to anything the Dems wanted to do.
I don’t see any reason to believe it’s any different now. It’ll take either the voters, or some disastrous health event (e.g. stroke), to remove Trump from office.
I think there is a good chance. Bannon has said flat out he is going after them, and Bannon wanted a 40% corporate tax rate, not at all what the leash GOP holders want. I think they have to fight back, or lose a bunch of power to the Dems and a lot of what’s remaining to the alt-right.
I don’t think we’re not far apart on this, it’s a matter of perspective. I think Pence is not seen as a good representative of the party, and as a theocrat who would inflame the culture wars again. By being so identified as an establishment member the party can’t distance themselves from him the way they can with Trump. So far Trump has made their dreams come true, deregulation and tax cuts for the rich. They don’t have much more in their actual platform. They’re perfectly happy to have Obamacare continue because they have no idea how to deal with healthcare nor do they want to be held responsible for it. He is indeed their stooge.
Sorry if being the first president removed from office isn’t enough of a “discard” for you for you, I don’t think think they will have him drawn and quartered, or tied to a rocket sent to the sun, so I guess you win what ever stupid-ass game you were playing.