My company wants to sell shot glasses with zodiac signs on them and we want to order an appropriate amount of each sign. I offered to research common birth months and/or zodiac signs on the net, but I’m not a good Googler, so I wasn’t able to come up with anything other than people with common birthdays.
Does anyone know where I can find this information?
I would assume that they are very close to evenly distributed. There may be some miniscule seasonal variations (although it seems like everyone I know has a birthday in April/May or Nov/Dec).
I really can’t see how any birth month would be significantly more common than any other. I mean, people have sex all the time.
Sure February is a short month, but the zodiacal periods are all the same length.
Try the newspaper they often have list of popular astrological signs that say things like “Leo; Today will be a wonderful day.” “Gemini; You too will have a wonderful day.” Sagitarius; You day is going to be fantastic." “Libra;A glorious day is before you.”
But if what you looking for is how many people are born in each month then the only reference that I could find with any numbers is this site [url=]from a UK school which gives a fairly even split for all months ranging from approximately 8.5% of pop to around 7.5% of pop where the total population is 54,000 so I would guess this to be fairly accurate for the region of the census. But there were many other sites though none of them give any firm data. Maybe you should try your Federal bureau of statistics or the census bureau I’m sure you’d have something like this in you state.
February shows the lowest rate at 7.66% but as pointed out by audiolover the zodiac isn’t done on a calender month. I would think that if it was done on a zodiac then the distribution would be fairly even across the board.
Thanks guys. I had a feeling that the birthdays were pretty evenly distributed.
I had once heard that October 5 (my birthday) was the most common birthday so, like my parents, a lot of people have sex during the holidays. So, I figured there would be more births during the early fall.
The most common zodiac signs confirmed since modern studies are Libra and Scorpio, the rarest are Gemini and Leo, all the others can be random due to ingenuitized reasons.
I am a Leo, and everybody i look at on facebook is Libra, Scorpio, or Pisces.
Nonsense. Assuming 2010 wasn’t a very odd year Birth Month Statistics - Statistic Brain the months with more births than the statistical monthly average are July through to October with the peak in August. This makes your Leo is the rarest very unlikely. Your supposed most common both come at the tail end of this positive deviation.
In Norway, according to figures for 2000-2012, baby season is March through to September
The source of that is a astrology site. I trust plain population stats like mine and GreasyJack’s more, and unless something odd happens to August babies before adulthood no way Leo is second to last.
That chart is interesting and shows that birth dates are clearly not random. There’s an obvious higher frequency in July-September as others have already pointed out, but I mean on a day-to-day basis. The 13th looks like one of the least common days in every month – presumably because it is viewed as unlucky. Valentine’s day seems popular. The Fourth (and fifth) of July is not. Nor is the week that includes Thanksgiving. Many births seemed to be postponed until just after Christmas, but the first few days of the year are uncommon.
I assume this may have to do with induced births or delivery by Cesarian. I assume very few doctors schedule those procedures for Christmas, July 4th, or Thanksgiving. Income tax deductions might explain the preference of scheduling late December over early January.
but unless you’re marketing your shot glasses to newborns (or new parents on behalf of their newborns), you should also consider mortality rates. Are some signs more prone to die before they can buy your product?
While you’re at it, you may consider relative prosperity. Are Virgos more likely to have money? Less likely to spring for your product because they’re uptight misers?
Ok, disclosure time. It’s all woo to me. But if you’re playing the game, you should now all the rules.