What are the most ultra-hipster things you've ever seen?

I like this comment:

“Wouldn’t she be a spinster?”

All he’s lacking is a red rubber nose.

I loved it before it was cool.

Psh, you probably haven’t even heard of it.

Discussions of things hipster.

I’d never heard the term a year ago (or if I did, it went under my radar as trivial). I am, if anything, more sick of the whole effing hipster thing than any prior culture fad… and that covers a lot of ground, including disco.

I think it’s reached a peak of sorts in that the NYT - which has an able photographer or two - this weekend ran a piece in which the writer not only wrote about little-known NYC monuments, but shot his own pix.

On an iPhone.

And in-phone processed them using an applet called HipsterGlow or some damn thing like that to give them a kewl, retro, hipsterish cast.

Enough. E-fuckin’-nough.

We are several decades into the hipster subculture.

There’s something I just absolutely love about hipster culture. I want no fucking part of it, as it is hands-down one of the douchiest subcultures ever to grace the face of the earth, but damn do I love admiring the douchiness. Some of it, like the guy from Comedians in Cars episode, is simply breathtaking.

Just down the road from my apartment they’re building a new warehouse to make loft condos out of.

Is there no hope for humanity?

Yeah, well, I get that the poseurs of today would like to think they are neo-Beats -hippies -hipsters -whatever, but as Happy L puts it so well, they’re just millennial douches playing at being disaffected by dabbling in obscure retro-ism. With their iPhones.

Like Mr Peanut.

Sure the hipsters of today would like to think that they are the direct descendants of Kerouac. But the current hipster culture dates back to 1990 or so. I hate to break it to you but that’s almost 25 years. I know, it seems like last year.

Okay, HERE’S how bad it is around here…

I saw someone riding a unicycle on Hawthorne with a ukelele on his back. He had to be at least 70. CHECK. Now that’s OLD SCHOOL HIPSTER. :wink:

Don’t Break Your Hip, sir!

I thought old school hipsterism was what “Kids in the Hall” made fun of when it was current.

I would go to a chiptune event every month back in college and the hipsterdom there was suffocating sometimes.

There was one fellow who would come dressed up as a cowboy with a handlebar moustache, fringe and everything. I would’ve thought, “Maybe he just thinks he’s a cowboy” except there were other times he would show up in colorful spandex shorts with a gigantic white shirt, or some other equally strange outfit that seemed to be a parody of whatever he was trying to be.

I once saw a fellow in the same city with a regular bicycle modified to be about twelve feet high. Maybe he lives on the second floor and works on the second floor somewhere, and just hops on and off via second story window.

I’d like to give them antecedents as far back as Francois’ Villon and Rabelais; firmly established as pockets of social rebellion with Lord Byron and the English Romantics; Victor Hugo and Baudelaire in Paris; the Greenwich Village scene shown in the movie **Reds **, Fin-de-siècle Viennese wastrels, Berlin in the 20’s, the Surrealists, Abstract Expressionist, Beats.

But all those groups had a few people among them who, you know, actually fucking did something.

“I told you he’d understand.” /trading places quote

I’m not sure it’s ultra-hipster, but I have both male as well as female co-workers who wear knit hats indoors. In the summer.

So very fucking true…:cool:

What’s funny is that over the years they’ve sort of fractured into numerous subcultures. There are hipster car guys who deliberately rust them like this (bike rack is mandatory). There are hipster motorcycle types that do bobbers and trackers, notable for their flannel shirts and open-face helmets.

But it shouldn’t be long before the trend passes, the death knell for any subculture being when companies market to it with new products made to look like the old stuff they fix up.