What are the plays in "The Republican (or Democratic) Playbook"?

I’m hearing this term tossed around alot lately. So what are the actual ‘plays in the playbooks’?

On another board, the most strident conservative member(s) will say something repeatedly. One example is :" all liberals are hypocrites".

Pointing out that generalized statements like that are rarely ever true is ignored.
Pointing out that the poster misnames opponents and won’t type the word 'democrat (only ‘liberal’) seems to have no effect.
Citing examples of non hypcritic liberals or hypocritical conservatives (and there have been a few of those in the news lately) has no effect.

As near as I can tell, this play is called “say it long enough and loud enough and people will come to believe it”.

I’ve vaguely noticed some other quirky ‘plays’ such as claims that the republicans have always been the inclusive party regarding gays (when did that happen?). I guess I’m gonna call this “the revision of history” play.

Then there is the “language hijack” play such as “pro-” whatever, “this-or-that right” and it’s cousin “right this-or- that”, and of course the famous “liberal media”- that is old news.
Any other obvious plays you have noticed and to be on the lookout for?

Oh, I forgot “propaganda”.

Democrats will scream that when they lose a close race, it was stolen.

Democrats will call any effort to ensure that there is no vote fraud “voter suppression” or “voter intimidation.”

Republicans will label any criticism of the President or his policies as an attack on America and it’s principles.

For an example, if you are against the Iraq war, you are a Communist, Flag-Burning, Troop-Hating, Spit-In-Mom’s-Apple-Pie Traitor.

The Left (including Democrats, Liberals, beyond-Liberal Socialists & Commies, etc): "That was wrong. You must apologize, although apologizing will be insufficient, as you’ve now revealed your true colors. We are not going to discuss this. That you even think the wrongness of what you said or did is subject to discussion is an additional wrong. The wrongness of such things was determined in thoughtful intellectual discussions so long ago that we long since started treating anyone who still isn’t on board w/regards to the wrongness thereof as oppressor imperialist plutocratic reactionaries who are unworthy of serious intellectual attention.

The Right (including Republicans, New Republicans, Neoconservatives, Paleoconservatives, Social Conservatives, etc): "That was wrong. It was wrong because it is unAmerican, which is self-evidently defined as anything which is not American, which is of course How Things Have Always Been and Are Supposed To Be in America. If it’s not currently how things are, it’s because those Damn Liberals have messed with How Things Have Always Been ans Are Supposed To Be and have imposed some commie liberal unAmerican stuff that we now must uproot and destroy to make America Safe Again. If it’s not how things in America ever were, actually, then it’s because something else changed, some commie liberal unAmerican thing got introduced and now we have to have this new thing in place to Keep the American Way of Life Safe, so it’s still all about How Things Have Always Been and Are Supposed To Be in America.

Republicans intentionally screw up phonelines during elections.

Democrats vote from beyond the grave. By a margin 4 to 1 most claims suggest. Perhaps they ought to become the Afterlife Party.