what are those small yellow "seeds" covering my yard

I don’t know what they are, but they cover my yard and my car. They come from the same trees that also cover my yard in those damn “helicopters”, or samaras. I think they’re maples.

I’m not talking about a dust of yellow, these are tiny yellow balls connected to a small stem and my whole yard is covered by them. I’ve been Googling it for an hour, and I can’t find anything. If these things are going to annoy me so much, I should at least know what they’re called.

We get stuff like that from our pin oaks.

Looks like this.

The male version of a seed pod (stamen) of the maple tree.

You will remember that roses and similar flowers have the stamen AND ovary… The stamen produces pollen which carries DNA to the ovaries to make seeds…

Well in maples, and various other trees, they have flowers which only stamen OR ovaries. So the flower is either male or female.

Well, even in the same species of maple , the trees may have a mixture of male and female flowers,
OR be purely male, or be purely female

Basically they are maple cocks, and you should call them that.

No, that’s a breakfast cereal.

So does that mean that when my car is covered in pollen, it has been bukkaked on?

Our cars are garaged, but my gf’s “farm truck” is parked outside. It is currently covered in tree-cum and robin shit. Nasty.

We have a HUGE maple tree in front of our house that produces lots of little helicopters this time of year. These are ovaries, right? And every year we have to pull out hundreds of little maple trees from the yard. So how are the ovaries reproducing by themselves, without stamens? What is pollinating the helicopters? Or does pollen blow over from other trees?

Maple flowers are just flowers - typically pollinated by insects (the flowers bear nectar)

Images of Maple flowers

The little helicopters are seeds.