What are we going to call the coming decade? The "Twentyteens"?

I call the last decade the Ohs (as in oh-five, oh-six) and this decade is the Teens. It’s not hard.

The Tens or the Twenty-tens, written the '10s or the 2010s. By the time they lie in the past, it won’t confuse anyone.

“Teens” strikes me as a bit ridiculous; teens are children, not years.

We don’t call it anything until we come up with a name that doesn’t sound totally asinine.

Tens or Tennies

And by the time that happens, they’ll be far enough in the past that “The twenties” will mean something to do with a networked world and Lunar tourism and not “People in fedoras dancing the Charleston in black & white silent movies”.

Even now, when I talk about “The turn of the century” there are people who think I’m referring to the 1999-2001ish period and not the 1899-1901ish period

The Crazy Years. Just you watch.

The Nothings.

The world will end soon, so don’t worry about it.